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5 Quick & Easy VEGAN Lunch Recipes for Work / School (Under 15 mins)

5 Quick & Easy VEGAN Lunch Recipes for Work / School (Under 15 mins)

The thing about packing lunches is that.. I get lazy and then it becomes a last min thing where I just can’t get my shit together. And sometimes I get bored of packing the same type of lunch everyday. So I was looking through easy and quick vegan recipes and I thought why not share it with you guys.

So I thought putting together 5 lunch ideas to pack for school or work would be perfect for the 5 working days. This will give you the variety, the taste and most of them can be made in under 15 mins. They’re all vegan but still delicious. I literally got hungry just looking at the pictures below… (more…)

New YouTube video: 7 Back to School Outfits

7 back to school outfits

Back to school season is here and we all want some outfit inspiration because we all want to look fabulous in the beginning… and then it all goes downhill as the year ends.

In the beginning we all have our chic, ready-to-go outfits and fancy pencil cases but as the year ends we barely have a pen left and hair always seems to end up in a bun.

So in my video I put together 7 outfits that will help you make the most of your first week in school. If you enjoy it please like, share and subscribe to my channel Lavish Krish <3

All outfit details in the description bar 🙂

quote of the day

Take Care

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