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5 Drinks Proven to Burn Fat and Shrink Belly FAST

5 Drinks Proven to Burn Fat and Shrink Belly FAST

If I’d known these drinks before.. I would have drank my way to weight loss. I’ve only recently realized the SIGNIFICANT roles of detox drinks and teas when it comes to losing weight. These are the secrets coming from models and celebrities who use such drinks to stay fit.  I have personally tested two of these drinks and I HIGHLY recommend them.

They not only help you lose weight, but also speed up the metabolism. So let’s have a look at them…

FUN FACT: Studies show that prolonged hours of sitting can prevent fat and sugars from being metabolized which can potentially result in cardiovascular diseases. (more…)

Top 12 Foods That Burn Fat and Increase Metabolism

Top 12 Foods That Burn Fat and Increase Metabolism

You can probably eat your way through weight loss with these foods. If you substitute even 2-3 of these foods in your regular diet.. it’ll make a HUGE difference in your weight.

Weight loss always starts in the kitchen first.. and then a little bit of exercise. This includes your daily eating habits and how you eat as well.

Fun Fact: Typical American diets exceed the recommended intake levels or limits in four categories: calories from solid fats and added sugars; refined grains; sodium; and saturated fat.


What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

I was 13 when I actually started drinking green tea. I had all sorts of problems like acne, being over weight, ‘pregnant’ belly.. you name it and I probably had it! And right now I am 21 years old so literally I’ve been drinking green tea CONSISTENTLY for 8 years and I’ll tell you about all the magical things GREEN TEA has done for me.

FUN FACT: Green tea contains an active ingredient called ‘Catechin‘ which helps speed up the body’s metabolism and hence lose weight.
