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DIY: Make Your Own Nail Stickers at Home

OMG I am so excited to show you guys this tutorial. I absolutely LOVE this idea. I found this technique on YouTube by Tartofraises Nail Art.
She is really good at doing nails and she is my Inspiration. Okay so I will get on the point. She made this video a few months back and I just saw it.
So I thought to show you girls as well. Check it out below to see how she makes them Nail Stickers. Its super easy and you will definitely have all the things you need at home.

Hope you girls like it 🙂 Take Care. 

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Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Lose Weight Without Exercising

It is 100% possible. I lost weight like that as well. I didn’t do much exercise. All I did was added something in my diet and thats all.
What food can possibly reduce weight without exercising? Read more to find out…
The secret is in Pineapples. I did so much research on this and found many stories of men and women telling about their weight loss stories. Most of them lost a lot of kilos in a short time. And I tried it too. But since I only needed to lose 3-4 kgs, I lost my weight in about 2 weeks time. That’s really short time compared to what I tried before.

How do Pineapples help lose weight?

Pineapples are the only fruits which contain an enzyme called Bromelain. I mean they may exist in other fruits but not as enough as in Pineapples.
This enzyme helps in digestion of food, prevents inflammation and swelling.
They even make Bromelain Tablets for weight loss. So why take tablets when you can get it naturally.

They also contain Vitamin B1 which helps metabolize carbohydrates.

How much should you eat?

You can eat 2-3 slices of pineapple or make a juice/smoothie out of it.
If you are making a smoothie, mix an apple with it because apples also help in weight loss.

DO NOT eat canned pineapples because they add sugars, preservatives and many other things that are harmful. This will NOT help you in weight loss.
Not even the Pineapple Juice cartons work even if they say it is 100% natural.
So you will be better off drinking/eating it FRESH.

Check out my other posts on weight loss without exercising: DIY: Most Effective Weight Loss Tip and Lose weight from a glass of homemade drink.

Take Care. 

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Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Strengthen your Nails Naturally

Do you get the pain when you break your nails as well? Well I don’t. Wanna know the secret? Then keep reading…

Here are some Treats I give to my Nails:

1)   Every time I wash my hands, I apply some hand cream and massage it on my cuticles for a minute. I use  Palmer’s Cocoa Butter. It is really moisturising. Dryness of nails can be the reason of breakage. So moisturising is the key.

2)   Acetone can be really drying on nails. So after using a nail remover to take off the polish, I wash my hands with warm water to get rid of acetone or any other chemicals. Then I simply massage my hands and cuticles with the hand cream.

3)   I use Essence’s Nail Remover and believe it or not, my nails feels moisturised and it doesn’t have that squeaky clean, dry effect. Maybe because it contains coconut and papaya extract.

4)   Sometimes during winter, I massage some almond oil on my hands and cuticles for 2 mins. Then I put on cotton gloves and go to sleep. Cotton gloves doesn’t soak up the almond oil so the oil stays on hands to moisturise them. When you wake up, your hands will be really soft and your nails will be much stronger.

5)   Rubbing or Tapping your nails gently will increase blood circulation and so this will strengthen the nails. I use the Rubbing motion because its easier. Just rub your nails against each other for 2-3 mins everyday.

So here are all the things I do for my nails and to be honest, my nails hardly ever break. Or maybe it could be genes because my mum’s nails are really thick and strong.

But you girls can try these tips on your nails and see for yourself. There’s nothing to lose because it is all Natural.

Take Care.

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Love Krishna xxx

Summer Beach Inspired Nails

Hey Girls! Check out this design. Perfect for summer huh? Let me know if you guys want a tutorial on this.

You can send me your nail designs too and I will post the best ones on my blog 🙂
Click on the Spotlight  tab and send me your favourite nail design.

You can also request me pictures of nail designs that you want me to make a tutorial on.
If you want to do that, click on the Make a Request tab and send me the nail design. I will try my best for you 🙂

Here are my beach nails.

Let me know what you think in the comments below 🙂 Take Care.
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Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Make those Pores Invisible with Max Coverage by Make Up

I saw this video on YouTube by one of my favourite Make Up Gurus who proved that using brushes is the best way to apply foundation. You don’t believe me?
Well then test it out yourself…

  1. Using fingers to apply foundation: this will make the pores even more visible because your finger don’t reach the inside of the pores to fill them up. It only surrounds the pores which makes them more noticeable. 
  2. Using sponge to apply foundation: this is the technique I hate the most because the sponge absorbs most of the product so it wastes your foundation. You need twice the amount of foundation if you use a sponge to apply. Even the wet sponge does the same thing. 
  3. Using brushes to apply foundation: this will fill out the big pores because the thin hairs can reach and fill them. However make sure to deeply cleanse your face afterwards when you remove your make up. Otherwise you will have clogged pores.
Watch this video by Michelle Phan who demonstrated how brushes are better than other tools.

To make your pores invisible with make up, all you need to do is take a buffing brush like shown below and apply foundation in circular motion all around the face. This fills up those pores giving you max coverage.

The video below by Gossmakeupartist demonstrates how to do this technique. Its absolutely amazing and that’s what I will do from now on. I have huge pores too 🙁 so YAY I found this technique. I love this guy 😀

I hope this helped you girls 🙂 Take Care.
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Love Krishna xxx

Youtube Tutorial: Hello Kitty Nails

I am so excited to post this because this is our second video on youtube. I know we don’t have many views 🙁 but we are just getting started. So if you like it, suscribe and comment 🙂
And if you have any request for a tutorial, simply send me a message from the Make a Request tab on top of the page.

Here is the video. I hope you like it 🙂

Take Care.

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Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Get rid of and Prevent Acne

I got another request from one of my beautiful blog readers. If you have a question or suggestion for posts, simply click on the Make a Request Tab on top of the page.

“Hey there! I was wondering if you had any good solutions for really, really deep pimples that stay a long time (and often scar). Do you have any tips for getting rid of them fast and preventing any coming on?

First of all I am going to link a video from one of my favourite Youtube Beauty Guru on how he got rid of his severe acne. Click HERE to watch his video. He also suffered badly from acne but now his skin looks so perfect. Maybe this can help.

What I suggest:

1) To cure these type of acne, first use something that can get rid of bacteria and is inflammatory. For this I suggest tea tree oil. It is really good for skin. I actually use Tea Tree Water from Lush. Its 100% natural and it does prevent acne for me.

2) Do NOT use harsh exfoliators with beads that can break your skin. You can use gentle natural exfoliators. Read my post HERE to make your own gentle exfoliator from oats for acne prone skin.

3) Use gentle cleansers such as Cetaphil’s Gentle Skin Cleanser. Or for a natural approach, read my post HERE to make a face mask that is a cleanser, moisturiser and toner all in one.

4) If you have a really oily skin, then don’t moisturise it. I know lots of people still would suggest moisturising skin but I didn’t and so I have clear skin now. Your skin already has so much oil and on top of that you are adding more

So now you have chosen your natural toner, exfoliator and cleanser. If you follow this skin routine everyday, I am pretty sure your acne will be cured. My skin care routine is somewhat like this too and my skin is in a good condition.

“Everything has a beauty but not everyone sees it.”

Give it a try, you have got nothing to lose. Take Care. 

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Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Lip Scrub Request (Not the usual sugar and honey)

Hey girls. Recently, I got a request from one of my beautiful blog readers.. If you girls want to make a request just click on the Make a Request Tab on top of the page. 

“Hi, I am so glad I came upon your website. You’ve really helped me out a lot. I was wondering if you could post some DIY recipe to use as a scrub for lips or anything to make lips a little more rosier.”

So finally here’s the post. This scrub is not the usual sugar and honey scrub because I don’t like the idea of the huge grains of sugar scrubbing your lips. They might tear the delicate skin. So instead we will use an ingredient with tiny grains because they can reach to the roots and remove dead skin effectively.

All you need is:

1/2 tsp Sea salt
2 tsp Coconut Oil
Essential Oil (optional). I used Lavender essential oil.

  • Sea Salt is a great exfoliant and the one I have is 100% pure but it had large grains. So what I did was I put some Sea Salt in a blender and turned it on for ONLY 10 seconds. They should be the size of grains of table salt. The reason you can’t use table salt is because its processed and it has lost all the sea minerals. Click HERE to check out my post on Lush Ocean Salt Exfoliator. 
  • Coconut Oil is an excellent moisturiser. So this scrub exfoliates as well as moisturises giving you rosy pink lips 🙂
  • And finally Essential Oil leaves your lips with an aroma.

Mix the ingredients and apply generously on your lips. Scrub it in circular motions keeping your lips closed because you don’t want to eat this stuff.. right? Keep scrubbing for a min or two.
Then Wash it off with soap and put some Vaseline on to seal in the moisture. You can’t see the salt in the picture beside maybe because of the lighting. But that’s how it really looks.

“A Smile is the Only Make up a Girl Should Wear.”

Share you experience 🙂 and Take Care.

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Love Krishna xxx

Epilator Review

Epilator is an electrical device used for hair removal. Its like an electrical tweezer. It has many tweezers in them that electrically pluck out the hairs. So its like waxing but it doesn’t hurt as much. But I was really shocked when many people said they don’t know what it is.

I use this one from Argos


  1. When I tried it out the first time, I was really excited. My hair didn’t grow back until 2 weeks amd that’s what I REALLY look for during the summer season. I mean who wants to go through the shaving process every other day. I definitely don’t. 
  2. Its pretty cheap actually. You only have to spend the money once unlike if you are waxing, you have to buy the wax strips again and again. Same with the razors. I bought mine for around €50 from Argos.
  3. You don’t get the razor burns or dry skin after using this. I used shaving gels which really dried out my skin. So I absolutely hate them.


After two weeks when my hair started to grow back, I noticed that some were growing inside my skin. In other words I had some ingrown hairs. So I had to exfoliate again and again to avoid that. But I still like it.

Overall I really like this device and yes I would use it most of the times when I am not in a hurry.

Do you prefer epilator over the other shaving methods? Let me know in the comments 🙂
Take Care.

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Love Krishna xxx