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DIY: How to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

If your lips have that dark pigmentation.. this remedy is perfect to eliminate them.
It is so simple, easy and natural!
And it tastes good haha
Of course, you won’t see the results in 2 days but you will in 2 weeks Smile
So just be consistent with it and you will definitely see the difference.
I will link a video below which shows how to make this miracle in a jar!
It is from a really beautiful YouTube Beauty Guru FarahDhukai
I love her makeup tutorials and DIY videos.
Trust me, you’ll definitely subscriber her channel 🙂
Take Care
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DIY: 5 Easy Ways to Make 100% Natural Anti-Perspirant Deodorant

Synthetic deodorants have been recently found the cause of breast cancer since it contains a lot of harmful ingredients such as aluminium and parabens.
There are thousand of women fighting through breast cancer today. 
So I thought why not let people know the little things that cause it and what we can do to stop it!
Fact: Parabens are widely used as preservatives in many cosmetics and skin care nowadays. It can easily be absorbed in the skin and are suspected to cause the growth of tumours in our body.
Well doesn’t that sound pleasant… and even then FDA approves these cosmetics knowing that they can harm us…
So let’s find out how we can keep ourselves safe 🙂

There are several ways to make anti-perspirant deodorants and get rid of the smelly pits especially during summer months.

The odour is caused by the bacteria so if we just get rid of the bacteria then we can go out in the hot sun without smelling bad!
You’ll thank me when you go out on a beach and meet some hot guy 😉

1) Tea Tree Oil

This is my favourite way because it is easy and quick.
  • Take 2-3 drops of the oil in your palm
  • Dilute it with 2-3 drops of water and apply wherever you sweat… and smell!
  • I do it by dabbing some tissue in the mixture and applying it underarms
That’s pretty much it and I am out the door in 2 mins.
It is so easy to carry it around as well because the bottle is so small. So it’s perfect for travelling and throwing it in your beach bag 🙂
Tea tree oil is anti-bacterial and anti-septic so that’s why it is my summer staple product.
BTW it doesn’t smell bad at all so you don’t have to worry!

2) Roses

Some people don’t like using their hands in the process so you can also make it in a spray bottle.
All you need is 2 ingredients: Rose Water and Tea Tree Oil.
You can replace the rose water with witch hazel or any other floral water but I just love the smell of roses!

  • Pour 100-150ml of the floral water into a spray bottle
  • Add 15-20 drops of the tea tree oil
  • And shake it up
Make sure to shake the bottle before spraying it on to mix the oil and water. I have tried this before and it works wonders.

You can also use it as a toner or a refreshing mist. It’s like summer in a bottle 😀
Now if you want to go all fancy and make your deodorants luxurious then check out the DIYs below!

3) Baking Powder and Lavender Deo

This one I bet would smell really good!
This DIY is from Jessica Jones and it is brilliant. Check it out on her page: HowAboutOrange
Her blog is actually really cute and helpful 🙂

4) Aloe Vera and Sage Deo

I have experienced myself that aloe vera lightens skin tone so if you have dark underarms this will be your summer staple!
It is from Jillee. Check it out on her page: OneGoodThingbyJillee
I love her green living ideas. They are so easy and creative!
5) Coconut and Lime Deo

This one sounds like a tropical paradise in a bottle!

The lime gives it a refreshing smell and coconut is naturally anti-bacterial.
This DIY is from the beautiful, Stephanie. Check it out on her page: NaturallyMindful
Her blog is amazing for natural and authentic recipes!


So that’s 5 recipes to make a natural deodorant. I am sure you found your favourtie one.

Which one would you try first?

Share if you care 
Take Care

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DIY Gratitude Jar

If you know anything about the law of attraction and stuff.. you’ll know how gratitude and counting your blessings can change your life… literally!
So every night before I go to bed, I will write out my gratitude of the day on a small note and put it in this jar until the day it will be filled.
I don’t know what I’ll do with all the notes once it is filled but I will decide it then!
I hope you guys like it and send me a picture if you decide to make one yourself Smile


  1. Get a large empty jar
  2. I took a paper bag and cut it out in the shape as shown in picture. I punched a hole at the arrow part and then used a black pen to write the words in calligraphy style. I chose to write positive words on them! You can write anything you want. Whatever floats your boat 🙂
  3. I assembled the paper bag tags on a string and tied it around the jar. I tied it loosely to give a shabby chic look
  4. I tore a page from one of my old books. I used the lid to trace the shape of a circle and then I cut it out. I glued the circle on the lid because I was opting for a vintage-y style
  5. I cut out two rectangular pieces of different colour and glued them together to make a label. I wrote “gratitude jar” on it with some funky designs. I also had some lace tape lying around so I stuck it at the bottom of the jay and on top of the label. You can glue some ribbon on it as well! I finished the decoration by sticking an owl piece on the corner of the label. It was actually attached to a hair bobbin but I never used it so I glued it on the label. You can stick any old piece of jewelry and jazz it up in your own way.
And that’s pretty much it! I love how it gives the shabby / vintage look. That’s actually the theme in my room so everything in my room is vintage style. It looks super cute on my window sill.
Do you keep a gratitude jar?
Send me a picture if you create one as well 🙂

Share it if you’re inspired xx

Take Care
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DIY: 4 Bright and Cute Summer Nails

Bright and Cute are two words that pretty much sums up my summer!
So here are some of my favourite nail designs for my sunshines Smile
I always upload nail designs on my Instagram first so follow me…

1. Summer Blooms
Inspired by @dndang

2. A day on the Beach
3. Tiger Stripes
4. Girly Stripes

Which one is your favourite?
Email me your favourite summer nails and I will upload them here Smile
Untitled design
Take Care.
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DIY: 5 Ways to Keep Your Skin Bacteria-Free Naturally

DIY: 5 Ways to Keep Your Skin Bacteria-Free Naturally

There are more bacterial cells living on our body than our own body cells. Most of them are beneficial to us but not all. Anti-biotics kill both the good and bad bacteria which only makes it worse! However if we use the natural ways, they only kill the bad ones.
Bad bacteria grows on our skin when it’s natural pH is not balanced.
Our skin should be slightly acidic to keep the bad bacteria from flaring up acne. We all  have a protective thin layer of acid on our skin which is called acid mantleAs we grow up using soaps (which increase alkalinity) and harmful chemicals on our skin, it destroys the acid mantle.
Click on the link for more info: Acne Can Be Caused by the Absence of Acid Mantle of Our Skin
So here are some ways to balance the pH of our skin and rebuild the acid mantle.

Fun Fact: Healthy skin always have a pH of approximately 5.5
This explains why alkaline soaps and harsh cosmetics can damage our skin because their pH is always more than 7.

DIY Day and Night Eye Cream for Dark Circles and Puffy Eyes

Eyes creams that actually do what they say on the packaging are usually expensive.
And drugstore ones never seem to work.
So… make your own one and make it work for you.

You won’t have to spend crazy amount of money and the ingredients are so EFFECTIVE for dark circles or puffy eyes.
You will wake up looking like a sunshine and super fresh 🙂
So get your pots and pans ready 😉

This DIY is shown in the videos below from one of my favorite YouTube Beauty Guru LisaPullano.

She makes lots of DIY videos on her channel for beauty and arts/crafts.
So definitely check her out 🙂
This video is the eye gel for dark circles / puffy eyes

This video is for the day and night eye cream.
Let me know if you have a secret eye cream remedy 🙂

Share this post with your girlfriends if you like it…

Take Care.
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Miraculous Skin and Health Benefits of Sesame Oil (An Ancient Remedy)

Sesame Oil is known as “til” oil in India where Ayurveda (ancient Indian medical system)  comes from.
It is known as the queen of oils in Asia, Africa and the Middle East because of its countless benefits to humans.
If you are looking for an ultimate oil to add in your beauty regime then this is it!
Some legends, tales are told in which sesame seeds represent a symbol of immortality.
In recent experiments by Ayurvedic physician from Holland, this oil has been used to treat migraines, hepatitis and diabetes.
It has also been proved that sesame oil can inhibit the growth of cancerous cells in human bodies.
Read more to find out its miraculous properties…

History of Sesame Oil:

This oil was discovered and cultivated in the oldest civilization of India (Indus Valley) about 5000 years ago.
In many countries, it is considered as a sacred oil. People use it in rituals and ceremonies.

Around 600 BC, Assyrian communities used this oil as a salve, medicine and to flavor food.
It was also used as a massaging oil because it can penetrate through skin easily providing nourishment and detox.

Skin Benefits of Sesame Oil:

Sesame oil is rich in vitamin E , iron, omega-6 fatty acids, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, dietary fiber and phenolic antioxidants.
All the nutrients to make our skin better are found in this oil.
In addition, it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral.

The picture below summarizes its benefits..
For an in-depth summary of the skin benefits, read this article by Sesame Oil for Skin website.

Skin benefits of sesame oil

Health Benefits of Sesame Oil:

  • It lowers the glucose levels in hypertensive diabetics
  • It contains peptides than can lower high blood pressure
  • In ancient times, its oil was used as a mouthwash to whiten and strengthen teeth, improve the health of gums, prevent tooth decay and halitosis. Because of its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, it reduces the growth of oral plaque. The modern term for this process is called ‘oil pulling’


  • It consists of 2 dozen pharmacologically beneficial active properties which contributes to improving cardiovascular health
  • It can strengthen the bones, joints and muscles because of its ability to deeply penetrate into muscles and bone marrow. This is why in India, toddlers are massaged with this oil before bath so they can grow strong and healthy
  • It is excellent for hair because it stimulates hair growth, controls dandruff, nourishes scalp and hair, kills lice and eases anxiety/fatigue. Indian women use either sesame oil or coconut oil to massage their scalp and nourish their hair


  • It grants Vranashodhana which means it can heal internal and external wounds
  • It grants agni janana which means augmenting the power of digestion and metabolism
  • And it grants medha janana which means enhancing intelligence.
  • It treats rheumatism


  • Regular dosage of sesame oil or seeds can help fight cancer with its anti-oxidant properties
  • It supports our respiratory system
  • Massaging its oil onto the feel and scalp can promote healthy sleep patterns

I have recently bought Emile Noel’s Organic Virgin Sesame oil because it is organic and cold-pressed.

I have been using it to in my hair by massaging it in my scalp and applying it to my hair once every week.
I also tried the ‘oil pulling’ method I talked about earlier to whiten my teeth because I have heard it worked out for so many people and some even said that the oil pulling improved their skin conditions.
But as I said I only bought this recently so I can’t really tell you how well it worked for me but I will do a post about it in future to update you guys.

If you want to include it in your diet, cook your food with sesame oil instead. Or you can add some of its seeds on your bread. You can even look up some recipes online to make an everyday snack from its seeds.
My mum usually includes sesame seeds in our daily Indian cuisine so I don’t need to make special snacks of them.

Let me know how you will include it in your daily beauty regime and diet 🙂
And if this liked my post don’t forget to share.
Let me know if you have any topics you want me to post about HERE.
Take Care.
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Discover 9 Ancient Greek Beauty Secrets

A few months ago I posted 13 Ancient Egyptian Beauty Secrets and you guys loved it so much so here’s another one Smile

There is something about the ancient beauty secrets that is so appealing to our modern world.
It is essentially appealing to me because they used natural ways to enhance their beauty. There was no such thing as toxic chemicals back then.
The women of Greece were all about enhancing their features, long hair and a fair complexion.

Some of their styles were intriguing.
They had different styles to represent their status.
For example, married women would mostly wear their hair tied up in a bun accessorized with flowers and jewels. 
Whereas young women would curl their hair and let them flow freely to attract attention from men.

There is a reason why an exceptionally beautiful woman is called a “Greek Goddess“. So let’s find out their secrets…

  • It is said that the tree of Olives first grew in Ancient Greece. It was considered as a sacred tree because of their numerous benefits to health, skin and hair. The athletes were crowned with its leaves to honour them. They applied olive oil on their skin to protect it against sun damage.The barrier of oil also kept the dirt from clogging their pores.

  • The leaves of olive trees were crushed to make a facial paste or mask for skin. It helped the young women relieve their skin from spots and acne.

  • The Greek women preferred to have pale skin and rosy cheeks.They discovered the bleaching and anti-bacterial properties of honey. So they mixed honey with olive oil and applied this on their skin.They used this mixture as a body wash and facial mask/cleanser.This made their complexion fairer and kept their skin acne-free and smooth.
  • Lemons and the spell of Sun were used to lighten the hair colour. They applied some lemon juice in their hair and walked around in the gardens so the sunlight can fall on their tresses and make the hair lighter.
  • Vinegar was also used to lighten the hair in the same way as lemons.

  • Back then an herbal infused bath was like a spa treatment. The Greeks collected various leaves of plants and dried them. They infused these dried leaves in a thermal bath along with some minerals like sea salt. Athletes especially were fond of these baths to nourish and loosen up the joints and muscles.
  • Greeks considered roses as the “queen of flowers“. They used its oil and water to soothe and nourish dry skin.

  • Seaweed was widely used as a facial mask back then. They ground it up with water to make a paste and applied it on their skin for a radiant glow.

  • To create a lip and cheek stain, the women crushed some mulberries and mixed it with some flowers and seaweed. It sounds odd but it worked out for them! It gave them that rosy flush to their cheeks and a subtle pink tint to their lips. Its like applying Benefit’s Cheek stain..
So these were some of their secrets. Would you use any of their beauty tips in your daily life? 
Let me know if you have tried them Smile
Take Care
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10 Quick Ways to De-Stress and Increase Your Productivity

PicMonkey Collage

After a long day of hard work and sweat… all we want to do is just relax and spend some quality time. 
This quality time is really important because if your stress builds up through days.. you’ll explode! Yup… people just explode, not literally though. 
Some people take it all out by aggression or anxiety or depression.  
A recent survey from St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co. found out that problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are financial problems or family problems.
Do you ever have the days when you come back from work and you just find yourself arguing for hours with your hubby? Well… that’s your first sign that you should de-stress yourself! 
If you don’t have a lot of time after work you can still find some methods of relaxation where you can let your mind wander somewhere in paradise in the comfort of your own home…

Take a Bath
RBB Bath_380
It is simple and doesn’t have to take an hour.
Make it fun. Put on a candle. Use some of the Lush Bath Bombs. They are safe on skin and smell SO good. 
Bring a book or some music with you. 
I love reading some classic books like Jane Eyre!
Make a playlist of songs to listen when you take a bath. 
Choose the songs that you can relate with and bring back some memories.
For me, Sundress by Landon Austin brings back a LOT of memories from the past summers.
Pamper Yourself
Put on a face mask.
I love applying greek yoghurt on my face. It makes your skin super soft and supple. And it is easy!
Give yourself a pedi/mani
Give a face/scalp massage to circulate blood and stimulate goodness.
Fact: Scalp massages stimulate hair growth much faster.
Paint your nails.
Put on a hair mask. 
I love applying some coconut oil in my hair, massaging the scalp with it.
It makes my hair strong, long and thick!
Make it a Spa-Day.
Read a Book
Read the ones that tell you a story rather than biographies. 
Whenever I read a book, I imagine every dialogue, every situation and every character. 
It’s like playing a movie in your head.
Choose the topics you are interested in.
I like mystery and thrillers so right now I am reading Jane Eyre.
It’s pretty good so far but I have to keep a dictionary beside me!
I LOVE its story and the setting.

Follow me on INSTAGRAM Smile
Find out what genre you like.. adventure.. thriller.. romance.. comedy etc.
  Read under a tree if you like.
Write a diary.
Write what happened throughout your day.
Reflect back on your day and the things you had to deal with.
Anything strange happened? Anyone new you met? Your boss was mad? You saw something that made you think and relate to?
Write it all down!
Make your own journal and make it a daily thing where you capture your thoughts.
Capture your memories of day-to-day life.
One day you’ll look back and laugh at all those silly things 🙂
  Talk to an old Friend
Sometimes catching up with some people who were a huge part of your life before can turn out really interesting.
Recently, I am hanging out with this girl from my high school and it just reminded me how similar we are and how we always got along in everything
We always have something to talk about and it’s always fun with her.
It is amazing to walk down the memory lane and just open up with someone so close to you.
  Walk in Nature
Just drive to a beautiful park or garden and walk there.
You’ll be amazed what nature can do.
While you’re walking, don’t think about what you are going to do tomorrow.
Just be in the moment.
Smell the flowers. Listen to the birds. Watch the sunset. 
A walk in nature is the best therapy!
When I was a young-teen, I was new in Ireland.
I didn’t know how to speak English so I used to just stay home and draw.
It was my way of expressing my feelings. 
It was my way to stop myself from missing my home back in India.
And it worked!
I have a folder full of drawings and sketches.
Every time I look back at them I always think how I have changed so much in just a few years.
You don’t have to be an artist. Just pour down your feelings on a canvas!
Although you’ll get better at it with time and practice.
Watch Friends
It’s funny.
It’s classic.
This show will always put a smile on your face no matter how bad a day you had!
You’ll be surprised when you know the Beauty Benefits of Meditation.
It’s a great way to empty your mind and let go of the past.
Do your Hobby
Flash back to when you were a kid.
What was that thing you always did besides crying and eating?
Was it playing a sport? Guitar? Car Racing? Exploring?
Whatever it was.. do it now!
Your child-self knows better of your likes and dislikes.
As we get older, it becomes complicated.
We have to pick a hobby that can pay us well.
So go back in time and do the thing you loved!
It always turns out to be fun 🙂
Take Care.
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DIY: 100% Natural Toner for Sensitive, Acne-Prone Skin

Drugstore Toners can be really harmful on skin since they contain alcohols which irritate sensitive or acne-prone skin.
And who wants to spend tons of money on High-end toners when you can make it at home and is much more effective.

This type of skin especially in summer days can get inflamed when you spend a lot of time outdoors. What you need is a homemade, refreshing toner to calm your skin from the heat.

Your skin will look so radiant and it will help soothe the inflamed acne.
It is also really good for sunburns and while you’re tanning on a beach, you can just spray it all over yourself to cool down.

Besides it smells really good too 😉 You’ll thank me when you meet a hot guy on the beach!!

All You Need is:
Rose Water
Lavender Essential Oil

  • Take 40-50ml of Rose water and transfer it into a spray bottle.
  • Add in 13-15 drops of Lavender Essential oil and shake the bottle to mix it up.
  • Remember to shake the bottle before spraying!

And that’s it… 2 ingredient and 3 steps. It’s so easy to make yet so effective for summers.

 The Brands I Used:
Botanics 100% Organic Rosewater
Absolute Aroma’s Lavender Essential Oil


I carry this spray bottle with me every time I go out.
I spray it all over myself a few times whenever I can and OMG it smells good!

When I come back home and look at myself in the mirror my skin is literally glowing. Not like oily glowing but more like radiant-glowing.

And it feels good whenever its hot outside!
It’s like eating a cold ice pop on a hot summer day haha 😉


I wish you a fun, happy summer! Mine have just started…
Take Care.

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