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7 Ancient Chinese Beauty Secrets

First of all I LOVE China. Their culture, traditions, food and the list goes on. I am really into Chinese skin/body treatments like Acupressure Points for Beautiful Skin. Its so fascinating. After reading their secrets I feel like I knew NOTHING. Ever wondered why their hair is so straight? I heard its because they eat a lot of sea food. I could be wrong but its just something I heard. I totally love their hair <3 .="." p="p">So keep reading to find out more secrets…

1.   A chinese doctor explains that having unhealthy skin could be a cause of bad liver condition. Liver detoxifies our blood so it keeps the blood clean. If livers dont work properly, the blood becomes full of toxins which causes unhealthy skin problems. So once a week we should take the detoxifying drinks which cleanse the liver thoroughly. I will do a separate post on making these drinks. I have tried them so I know 🙂 Also avoid taking alcohol and processed junkie foods.

2.   Chinese people have some herbs which help their bodies adapt to stress, improve immune system, boost immune system, protect from some cancers, regenerates liver, oxygenates blood, calms the mind and balances blood sugar. Wow that was a huge list. These herbs are called Adaptogens. Reishi mushrooms is an example and it is the most powerful of all Adaptogens. Schizandra is another one that keeps the youth of your skin preserved.

3.   Chinese women used Pearl Powder which is made from oyster shells. These shells contain lots of amino acids which rejuvenate the skin. In clinical research pearl powder has been shown to soothe inflammation, promote healing and and calm redness and skin irritations. They mix 1 tbsp pearl powder with 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp honey.

4.   You know why they drink lots of green, white and oolong tea? Its because they help in weight loss and keep your skin younger 🙂

5.   I have always wondered how their skin is so fair and whiter than the rest Asians. And their secret lies in mint leaves. These are cheap to buy as far as I know. You can even grow them in your house. You can grind  the mint leaves and make a paste. Apply it as a face mask and brighten your complexion.

6.   An ancient Chinese princess had a secret beauty weapon called Tremella. It is a snow fungus/mushroom. It is an excellent skin conditioning agent, has lots of antioxidants and contains high level of Vitamin D.

7. Ok this tip is a little different. I read this article where a woman goes China and she sees a man on a market stall selling tins of snake oils and tiger balms and other creams for less than a dollar. And many grandmas were buying them :/ I could be wrong about this article I don’t know. But I am just sharing what I read in it.

8. I love the way they use a lot of Rice because it is very nutritious. And especially I love the idea where they use rice as facial toners. Check out this video of Michelle Phan below to make your own toner. It is absolutely amazing.

So please let me know your opinions and if you would adapt any of these tips.
Also Check out: Ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) Beauty Secrets
                         13 Ancient Egyptian Beauty Secrets

Take Care.

DIY: Make Your Own Deodrant for Dark Underarms

I watch YouTube videos A LOT and yes I am really addicted to it. But I am so glad because I can share stuff like this with you. So this really talented and pretty YouTuber BeautySplurge uploaded a video where she shows how to make a Deo at home and she said using this Deo she got rid of the dark underarms. I am really going to make this and try it out too.

And the funny thing was that I had ALL the ingredients at home to make the Deo. I love her videos because she also does lots of DIYs and Natural stuff. She is truly amazing. So check out her channel and the video below.

Youtube Video: Nails Tutorials

So I got requests to do a YouTube Nail Tutorial from my last post on Summer Nail Designs.
And here it is.
I love flowers but sometimes they are really difficult to do on nails.
But not to worry because this tutorial is VERY easy to do.
It literally took me 10 mins 🙂
So check it out below. 
Another video on nails will be coming up so if you wanna check it out keep your eye on the blog 🙂
If you have any request to do a nail tutorial, you can send me a picture of those nails and I can do a tutorial on it 🙂 
Send me on my e-mail: [email protected]
Take Care.

Youtube Tutorial: Hello Kitty Nails

I am so excited to post this because this is our second video on youtube. I know we don’t have many views 🙁 but we are just getting started. So if you like it, suscribe and comment 🙂
And if you have any request for a tutorial, simply send me a message from the Make a Request tab on top of the page.

Here is the video. I hope you like it 🙂

Take Care.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Love Krishna xxx

My New Youtube Channel and First Video

Hey Girls!! I just wanted to inform you all about my new YouTube channel and the first video we made.

Me and my friend Anna (Her Blog here) are making videos together.
She does all the photography so she was super excited to do all the camera stuff.
And as I am into all the Nail Art stuff, we make videos of tutorials on Nail Designs.
It was all Anna’s idea so I want to thank her sooooo much for encouraging me 🙂

So if you guys have any requests to do any type of nails, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Just click on the Make a Request tab and send me a picture of a nail design that you like and I shall make a tutorial on that.

Here is my first video on: Spring Zebra Nails shown in the picture below.

Take Care.

Follow Me on Pinterest

Love Krishna xxx