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10 Foods That Rapidly Increases Your Metabolism

5 Tips to Speed up Metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical and physical process which keeps our body functioning normally. It uses the nutrients of food as a fuel to keep us survived and give energy to move.

I don’t want to get too much into the scientific facts and language which most of us cannot translate. So I put my research and made my own list of those 10 foods. These have been mentioned repeatedly in articles for having the best ability to increase metabolism. And I have experienced most of these so pick your favourite ones 🙂 …

1) Green Tea
Green tea is on the top of this list because A LOT of people think it really does increase metabolism and so do I.

However this miraculous stuff doesn’t work much if you only drink 1 cup a day. It takes 2-3 cups a day to maximize the metabolism.

Personal Experience: I drink 3 cups a day and I started this routine 2 years ago. So this year when I went back to my home country, India (2 months ago) EVERY single relative of mine noticed and asked me if I have lost weight. To be honest I am NOT trying to lose weight but I am trying to maintain it and my metabolism. I was surprised because I didn’t notice it myself. So you really have got to be patient for this stuff to work on you. Don’t drop it in a month thinking it made no effect. It makes a HUGE difference if you stick to it and enjoy it 🙂

2) Yogurt
Yogurt has all those probiotics and the good bacteria that feed on our food and help digest. These bacteria are VERY important for us and trust me they are the good kind. Some of our intestines contain millions of this bacteria. So if you lack them maybe that’s why your metabolism isn’t as effective.

Personal Experience: A lot of Indian Recipes use yogurt  And with most of our meals we make this Yogurt drink to help digest the food. I didn’t know this until my mum told me about it. We make it with 2 tbsp yogurt with a mug of water and a pinch of salt + pepper. And that’s it. We call it Lassi and this is just one kind of Lassi. There are millions of other types. You can google it and make your own everyday! And yes it works AMAZING!!

3) Cinnamon:
This spice is the one that can increase metabolism most effectively than others. It burns your body fat because of its sensitivity of insulin.

Doctors suggest this cinnamon drink if you are trying to lose weight. If you want the recipe and details of this drink check out my previous post on it HERE.

Personal Experience: I tried that drink myself a year ago. I dropped it after 2 months because I didn’t want to lost any more weight. At that time I needed to lose 3-5 kg and I did with that drink in 2 months. It works wonders! It will also help to lose belly fat!

4) Coconuts:
Whether its coconut water or coconut oil, either works amazing to boost up metabolism or lose weight. I know what you’re thinking… its an oil how can it help? Well it has some good types of long-chain fatty acids that are helpful. I have tried coconut water and it is SO yummy! I have never eaten the oil but you can substitute it with the oil you are using now for cooking food. Its suppose to make your food taste better as well.

I drank its water but I never really focused on the fact that it reduces weight. I only drank it because of its yummy-ness. You can get it in most grocery stores but make sure there are no additives like sugar or preservatives.

They did some experiments on obese people and their research states that the metabolism increased suddenly by 65%. That’s a LOT compared to any other foods.

5) Grapefruit:
This citrus fruit is full of Vitamin C and is also great in reducing insulin levels. That’s why its good for metabolism and weight loss.

I haven’t eaten grapefruit in YEARS only because I hate really sour fruits so I have no experience in this but give it a try 🙂 You have nothing to lose!

6) Cold Water:
Water in general is great for metabolism but in particular cold water. It increases the metabolism in order to warm up the body.

In India, because of the REALLY hot weather, people store water bottles in their refrigerator and that’s what they drink whenever they need water. I have drank like that for most of my years but never knew it can have a good effect on my metabolism so I can’t say much for this.

BUT for a week, I have been drinking cold lemon water every morning. So I fill up a mug with water and add a slice of lemon and cucumber. I put that mug in my refrigerator overnight and drink it first thing in the morning. It has improved my digestion and it instantly wakes me up. I can’t say much since I have only experimented it for a week but so far it’s pretty good!

7) Sweet Potato:
Despite of having low carbohydrate content and high fiber, it still has the sweetness to it. These 2 qualities help your metabolism and it tastes SO good!

I grill or boil it sometimes and it fills me up instantly. This is what I cook on my lazy lunch days 🙂

I have no personal experience in this since I only eat it for its taste and how quick it is to cook. But hey who knew it can keep your tummy flat!

8) Spinach:
I know the reaction “ugh” or “ew” but the way how its cooked in Indian recipes… I like it! So it won’t probably give you the instant muscles like Popeye but it will if you are consistent with it.

Its green, leafy, vegetable and probably one of the most healthiest one ever. If I list its nutrients, it will take me hours to finish this post! But mostly its loaded with antioxidants, iron, magnesium and Vitami. C.

9) Avocado:
Avocado can help in weight-loss. It is higher in calories- about 48 calories per ounce. BUT avocados help fight obesity because they boost feeling of fullness that signals us to stop eating and thus helps us control our calorie intake. 

Research suggests that monounsaturated fat is burnt more rapidly than saturated fat. Meaning that even though an avocado is high in monounsaturated fat, this fat will be burned more quickly than saturated fat found in meat.

Avocado is also a rich source of L-carnitine, which can boost your fat burning metabolism!
10) Beans:
Beans are high in protein, fibre, folate, and iron– all the good nutrients to promote digestion, lower cholesterol, optimize metabolic rate. It can cause gas which is why most people avoid them but you can toss a little in your salad.

Or you can make your own tacos at home using beans. There a TONS of beans recipe to make tacos.
Let me know if you have found your own recipe from these 10 types of foods 🙂
Take Care.

Beauty Benefits of Different Kinds of Tea- Pick Your Best!


Hey Girls! So in this post I am going to list every possible tea that has a mug full of benefits for skin or hair or mental health and stuff.

I am going to list all of the benefits of the teas and then you can pick your favourite one depending on what benefits you want 🙂

Let’s do this…

Black & the Most Popular Tea:

  • 165Helps reduce puffy eyes by using its tea bags
  • Moisturizing for skin and thus reduces wrinkles
  • Controls certain hormones which can trigger stress and therefore is good for our health internally
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties. So next time you need to zap a zit use its tea bags
  • Increases metabolism
  • Strengthen blood vessels
  • Helps prevent stress
  • Its good for our teeth since it has fluoride
  • It fights bacteria so its a natural antibiotic
  • Polyphenols and tannins in black tea accelerate skin regeneration
  • Tea baths help reduce cellulite.

Green Tea:

  • lemot_green_tea_by_cucat-d5wl2lxIts anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory and helps regulate hormones so its good for zapping zits as well.
  • It flushes the toxins from skin
  • Prevents pre-mature ageing of skin because its compound protects the collagen and elasticity of skin
  • Its rich in anti-oxidants. So have a green tea steam and it will cleanse, detox, moisturize your skin.
  • Reduces dark circles and puffy eyes. Use its tea bags!
  • Soothing and healing on sun-burnt skin
  • Prevents bad breath. So drink it up before your date night!
  • Protects hair from pollution and harsh products
  • Strengthens hair and gives it a shine
  • Fights against harmful UV rays and so prevents skin cancer

White Tea:

  • 5Its better than green tea in keeping the skin younger looking
  • Fights cancerous cells
  • Helps reduce high blood pressure
  • Its anti bacterial and anti viral
  • Keeps your teeth strong and eliminates bad breath

Chamomile Tea:

  • candidate-29998Lightens skin and hair
  • Reduces dark circles
  • Helps to get sleep better. Its good for you if you have insomnia
  • Deals with most stomach problems including indigestions, cramps, acidity and gas
  • Fights bacteria
  • Beneficial to those with eczema and chicken pox
  • Reduces skin swelling
  • Helps reduce migraine headaches
  • It boosts the immune system
  • Its anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant
  • Accelerates the healing process of skin so its good for acne scars
  • Eliminates dandruff

If you want me to mention any more teas and their benefits then just leave a comment below and I will definitely update this post Smile

Take Care.

DIY: Natural Ingredient which Benefits Hair, Skin AND Nails


This ingredient is an all-in-one beneficial for hair, skin and nails. So the next you go to a drugstore to buy vitamins because this natural ingredient does a little better than the chemical ones.

Our skin, hair and nails show our inner health. If you have no time to take care of them separately, then this is perfect way for you to maintain them all at once.

Read more to reveal…

All the healthy stuff lies in Flax Seeds (also called linseeds)!
These seeds have been cultivated for more than 7000 years. They contain many essential fatty acids (EFA) including Omega 3 and 6. These fatty acids help in the healing process of our skin.

Lack of these EFAs can cause dry and brittle hair and nails. The skin appears puffy and dull. Their intake reduces ageing and other age related symptoms.


Flax seeds are said to be VERY effective skin healers. Because Omega 3 can heal any skin ailment.

It is an ultimate edible cosmetic. It keeps your skin young, attractive, fair, spotless and radiant.

According to Dr Jeffrey, these seeds protect your skin by preventing everyday irritants from entering skin pores. They also have anti-inflammatory properties which can heal red or itchy skin.

This way it treats acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, dandruff and even skin tumours.



Flax is nature’s miraculous ingredient for hair. It is a secret to long, strong, shiny and healthy hair. It prevents the pre-mature greying of hair.

Flax also consists of lignan which has antifungal properties. So the regular flax eaters never develop dandruff.

Omega 3 are required to make anti-inflammatory hormones. So they are essential for healthy skin, scalp and sebum production.

Our nails primarily act as indicators if we have any heath issues. Their examination usually help doctors identify illnesses or nutrient deficiencies.

Flax seeds contain almost ALL the nutrients that are needed for healthy nails. Eating these seeds regularly can help maintain strong, pink and spotless nails.

How to include Flax Seeds in diet?


Even 1 tbsp of these seeds are enough for the day.

Although it would be weird to eat a spoonful of these seeds alone because… its just weird I guess. But you can go ahead if you really like the idea of it. The taste isn’t too bad though.

You can add them to your oatmeal or cereal in the morning. You can sprinkle some on baked stuff like muffins.

My mum makes them in an Indian way. She usually roasts them to make them a little more crunchier. And she adds some salt to it. You can get an online recipe. It literally takes 2 mins to cook this.

I eat about 2 or 3 tbsp every day. I eat more than 1 tbsp just because I love the taste of roasted seeds. So eat up your delicious vitamins from today and eat them regularly to look and feel healthy inside and out!

Take Care.

Unknown Natural Beauty Secrets from Victoria Secret Models

Victoria Secret Models are taking over the Beauty and Fashion world! In many of their interviews where they shared their beauty secrets, I noticed that most of them shared 100% Natural ways to pamper themselves. They may represent their makeup brand but when it comes to taking care of their outer appearance, they take the Natural Approach. No wonder their skin glows its health!
Read more to find out the things they do in their everyday lives that you may have never heard of before…

Miranda Kerr

Kerr is the most popular VS Model. And her beauty secrets are my favourite of all.

1) Noni Juice
She swears by this thing. She has mentioned it in most of her Beauty interviews. She drinks this juice everyday every morning. Although she says it doesn’t taste as pleasant but she also reveals that it is her biggest skin, hair and body secret. Basically its an all-in-one package. Yes it is 100% natural remedy btw.
This miraculous fruit comes from India actually. I didn’t know about it even if I was born there. But the true knowledge of this fruit was lost through the centuries. In ancient India, the princesses drank this juice too for their outer appearance. In 20th century, the scientists found this fruit again and it became popular in several countries.
I have a whole difference post on Noni Juice and it miraculous benefits. Click the link below if you want to know its Beauty secrets Smile
Noni Juice: Miranda Kerr’s Skin Secret and a New Skin Care Breakthrough

2) Goji Berries
Kerr eats this fruit most days during her breakfast. This fruit is like an all-round medicine for her health and skin. It has been consistently used in the Chinese medicine. It contains high amount of antioxidants and Vitamin A and C. It has 21 difference trace minerals and high fibre too. It is basically the father of all the berries known so far. It is good for the immune system, eyesight and for most organs of the body.
I am so going to buy this when I first find out where to buy them from because I don’t this they are available in supermarkets of Ireland.

3) Exfoliation
A few days before the models have their runways shows, most of them suggested that they do an all over body exfoliation.
There are 2 types of exfoliators such as chemical and mechanical. Personally I prefer mechanical, because they also massage your whole body and improve blood circulation. My favourite type of body exfoliation is Dry Brushing. This exfoliation is also great for skin and body organs. Click on the link for more details.
I also have a post on exfoliators for acne-prone skin. Check it out below.
DIY: Gentle Exfoliators for Acne Prone Skin

4) Yoga
Yoga is something that is an essential tool for any person that enters this glamorous world. It is because yoga balances out their mental health, general health and also improves their outer appearance. One of the main workouts of VS models is actually yoga. Now you are probably wondering since when is Yoga a workout. But to be honest it is WAY better than any workouts.
Physical workouts only provide toning of muscles and a good outer appearance. However, yoga helps internal organs, your brain to function effectively, keep the stress out and the list goes on… You can YouTube this and find your perfect yoga workout depending on your body. Not only models have adapted to it but also actors and actresses to maintain their outer looks. Namaste!
I bet you never heard them before. But if you have let me know in the comments below if you have more details Smile
I love to hear from you guys!!

Noni Juice: Miranda Kerr’s Skin Secret and A New Skin Care Breakthrough

Miranda Kerr is one of the most popular Victoria Secret Model. In some of her interviews, she shares her skin secret of Noni Juice. She consistently drinks it every morning to maintain her physical appearance and health. She have been drinking it for almost 12 years.
She also substituted Noni in her Organic Skin Care line, Kora Organics as one of the most significant ingredient. Most people are unaware of what it is so I put a lot of research behind it and gathered it all in this post. So stay tuned for this new Skin Care Breakthrough…

So, What is Noni?

Noni’s scientific name is ‘Morinda Citrifolia’. It is a member of the Mulberry family also called ‘Indian Mulberry’. The Noni plant grows along lava flows and, as you would expect, grows rich in South India, Hawaii and Australia.

What is the History of Noni?

It is believed that this plant arrived on several Polynesian islands over 1,500 years ago from India.
Noni has been a central part of Polynesian traditional medicine.
This plant was considered as a miraculous healer in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian, highly advanced system of natural medicine. Ayurveda is still practiced today in some parts of the world and I always try to substitute some Ayurvedic ways of living in my life. It has made a huge difference in my physical and mental health. If you have any further questions about Ayurveda, you may click on the ASK ME? tab above.
When Europeans began exploring the islands of the South Pacific in the late 1700s, they made note of the use of Noni among the natives. Captain James Cook owned journals where he recorded his observations of the natives using Noni.

During World War II, U.S. soldiers based on Polynesian islands were instructed in their field manual that Noni was recognized as a safe food staple to eat to sustain their strength.

Benefits of Noni

Doctors recommend Noni all over the world. Noni is nature’s gift to Humanity.

It is rich in Vitamins A, C, E, B, B2, B6, B12, Calcium, Iron, Niacin, Folic Acid, Pantothenic Acid, Phos- phorus, Magnesuim, Zinc, Copper and other minerals like Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium, Potassium, Carbo-hydrates and 160 + isolated nutraceuticals. majorly.

It is herbal and hence totally, a gift of Nature. It contains various health enhancing elements that are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, adaptagen, analgesic, anti-congestive, hypotensive, and has cancer-inhibiting compounds. It enhances cellular activity, the starting point of all nutritional metabolism.

The following is a small list of its benefits:

Maintains healthy Skin, Hair and Scalp
An Effective Anti-Oxidant
Protects you from Toxins and pollutants

Reduces the risk of developing cancer 
Rejuvenates the Body
Revitalises the Cells
Restores Energy
Relieves Pain
Reduces Inflammation
Releases Stress
Purifies Blood
Stimulates Immune System
Improves Digestion
Enhances well being
Regulates Cell function
  • Improves the memory and concentration
  • Inhibits tumour growth
  • Reduces chances of Premature on set of age-related dis-eases such as Arthritis, Heart disease, Diabetes or Strokes.
  • Protects against Viral and bacterial strain that have become anti-biotic resistant.
These are only a few examples of uses and benefits that regular consumers of Noni have experienced. There is no other tonic which works at the molecular level to build the cells like Noni.
Noni: Nature’s abundance bundled in one fruit.
It’s effective in curing skin problems like acne and pimples. Aside from getting beautiful skin, drinking noni juice also helps healthy hair growth especially for those who are suffering from premature hair loss. In fact, many surviving cancer patients have turned to Noni juice to revive their hair follicles after chemotherapy.

Less than 1% people are allergic to Noni. They may experience a rash, itching, mild diarrhoea, or slight belching or trouble with breathing. Most of these symptoms are part of the cleansing process of Noni. Skip a dose or two and take lots of water. Most allergic symptoms disappear within 24 hours of discontinuing Noni. If these symptoms continue, stop drinking Noni. 

Noni was found to contain a polysaccharide-rich substance which prevents the growth of new cancer cells. It was also revealed that drinking noni juice boosts the immune system and reduces stress in the body due to its rich antioxidant components. 

If you know more about Noni let me know in the comments below 🙂

Take Care

DIY: Treat Keratosis Pilaris (acne-like bumps on the back of your hand) Naturally

For those who don’t know what Keratosis Pilaris (KP) is, you know the little bumps you have below your elbow or back of the thighs. Well of course if you don’t have them you won’t know and you are very lucky 🙂 I didn’t even know it is a skin issue until my beautiful blog reader told me about it but don’t worry it is harmless.

” Now, I was wondering if you could do a blog post on how to treat Keratosis Pilaris? I would love to know how to get rid of it by using home remedies, and I do love that you use home remedies, and they work, so I’m kinda hoping that you’ll take it into consideration, doing a blog post on KP 😉 “

If you have any questions or tips to give, then click on the ASK ME? tab on top of my blog 🙂
And read more to find out how to treat it naturally 🙂 …

What Causes it?

It is hard for doctors to figure out why exactly it appears but they say that it is known to be keratin buildups that promote inflammations. Doctors have thrown around the concept that it can be a genetic affliction.

How to treat it Naturally?

Ok after reading a 100 people’s comments on how they treated it, I gathered the recipes they used to cure it and which worked for most of them. When I researched about it, they all told me different reasons because the doctors don’t know the root cause of KP yet so I have some treatments here which worked the MOST for others 🙂


Most people said that they treated it by exfoliating with a scrub. So here are some best exfoliators:

– Loofah or any Exfoliating Cloths or Gloves
– Sugar + Honey Scrub
– Sea Salt + Olive Oil Scrub

So choose a suitable one and start exfoliating every day in the shower. Make sure to shower with warm water though. Because you want to open up the pores before exfoliating 🙂


BUT use a very gentle moisturiser like Cetaphil moisturizers that have no parabens or perfume and they are hypoallergenic.

Or here are other alternatives:

– Burt’s Bees Thoroughly Therapeutic Honey & Shea Butter Body Butter
– Yes To Cucumbers Hypoallergenic Body Lotion
– Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula with Vitamin E Lotion (I use this one)
– This one was recommended by some: DCL AHA revitalizing lotion 20


You’ve got to take your vitamins girl!! Especially Vitamin A and the Omega 3 tabs 🙂


And that’s it…
Some websites suggested Apple Cider Vinegar rinse on the areas of body but I wouldn’t recommend it because its vinegar. I mean come one, you don’t want to smell like vinegar… Unless you like it :/ That would be weird.

So let me know what worked for you in the comments below 🙂

Take Care. 

DIY: 3 Ways Whiten/Brighten Your Eyes Naturally

This was a request from my lovely reader.
If you want to request something, simply Click on the ASK ME? tab on top of my blog.

I have searched about this so much but only found 3 results. I have heard that using eye drops from over the counter can get rid of redness for a few hours but long term, it can make your eyes more and more red when you don’t use it. So I bought the eye drops once and now I don’t use them at all.
Then I went off to find out how to whiten them naturally. I found 2 Ayurvedic (ancient Indian) ways of curing it. So read more to find out…

Our mums were absolutely right. EAT THOSE CARROTS. YES carrots do make your eyes appear brighter and whiter. For this, you can buy some organic fresh carrots and put it in a blender to take some juice out of it. Use this juice as eye drops but do not put it literally in your eyes. Put it on your eyelids instead at night and wake up with beautiful brighter eyes 🙂

Ayurvedic Ways:

Have you ever heard of Indian Gooseberry fruit? If no, GOOGLE it. It is the best fruit for eyes, skin, hair and basically for everything. You have got to look up this thing. It is amaaazing what it does to you and how healthy it makes you. Well any-ways, you can use its juice and put it in your eyes at night.

As an alternative, you can also use Triphala powder for eyes. One of the ingredient of this powder is the Indian Gooseberry. This stuff is amazing for digestion and eyes. You can mix the powder with some distilled water and spray it in your eyes. This is an Ayurvedic advice too. My mum tried this and I see a difference in her eyes. I mean they look much more healthier than before. I tried this out too. You will feel a little sensation in your eyes but its totally normal.

I hope this help you guys 🙂

DIY: Natural Liver Detoxifying Drinks for Glowing Skin

These are some of the symptoms caused by uncleansed Liver: Dull skin, poor digestion, dark circles, aggression, mood swings and tiredness. This drink is for the people who have acne prone or dull skin, who are trying to reduce weight and suffer from tiredness. This will give you a boost in the morning and make your eyes brighter 🙂

All the ingredients mentioned will be from your fridge so not to worry 🙂

Drink this detox in the morning before you eat ANYTHING at all. So this will be your first treat in the morning. When you drink this on empty stomach, it will be much easier and effective to cleanse the liver.
All you Need:
1/2 Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice
1 glass water

Just mix the ingredients in a blender or just with a spoon and drink it up 🙂
You can do this every other day when you start and after a week, continue this everyday.
You should wait AT LEAST half hour to eat your breakfast after drinking this.
I also want to link a video below of this really pretty Beauty Guru on YouTube who have tried this detox drink and her experience. So check it out below

7 Ancient Chinese Beauty Secrets

First of all I LOVE China. Their culture, traditions, food and the list goes on. I am really into Chinese skin/body treatments like Acupressure Points for Beautiful Skin. Its so fascinating. After reading their secrets I feel like I knew NOTHING. Ever wondered why their hair is so straight? I heard its because they eat a lot of sea food. I could be wrong but its just something I heard. I totally love their hair <3 .="." p="p">So keep reading to find out more secrets…

1.   A chinese doctor explains that having unhealthy skin could be a cause of bad liver condition. Liver detoxifies our blood so it keeps the blood clean. If livers dont work properly, the blood becomes full of toxins which causes unhealthy skin problems. So once a week we should take the detoxifying drinks which cleanse the liver thoroughly. I will do a separate post on making these drinks. I have tried them so I know 🙂 Also avoid taking alcohol and processed junkie foods.

2.   Chinese people have some herbs which help their bodies adapt to stress, improve immune system, boost immune system, protect from some cancers, regenerates liver, oxygenates blood, calms the mind and balances blood sugar. Wow that was a huge list. These herbs are called Adaptogens. Reishi mushrooms is an example and it is the most powerful of all Adaptogens. Schizandra is another one that keeps the youth of your skin preserved.

3.   Chinese women used Pearl Powder which is made from oyster shells. These shells contain lots of amino acids which rejuvenate the skin. In clinical research pearl powder has been shown to soothe inflammation, promote healing and and calm redness and skin irritations. They mix 1 tbsp pearl powder with 1 egg yolk and 1 tbsp honey.

4.   You know why they drink lots of green, white and oolong tea? Its because they help in weight loss and keep your skin younger 🙂

5.   I have always wondered how their skin is so fair and whiter than the rest Asians. And their secret lies in mint leaves. These are cheap to buy as far as I know. You can even grow them in your house. You can grind  the mint leaves and make a paste. Apply it as a face mask and brighten your complexion.

6.   An ancient Chinese princess had a secret beauty weapon called Tremella. It is a snow fungus/mushroom. It is an excellent skin conditioning agent, has lots of antioxidants and contains high level of Vitamin D.

7. Ok this tip is a little different. I read this article where a woman goes China and she sees a man on a market stall selling tins of snake oils and tiger balms and other creams for less than a dollar. And many grandmas were buying them :/ I could be wrong about this article I don’t know. But I am just sharing what I read in it.

8. I love the way they use a lot of Rice because it is very nutritious. And especially I love the idea where they use rice as facial toners. Check out this video of Michelle Phan below to make your own toner. It is absolutely amazing.

So please let me know your opinions and if you would adapt any of these tips.
Also Check out: Ancient Ayurvedic (Indian) Beauty Secrets
                         13 Ancient Egyptian Beauty Secrets

Take Care.