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DIY: Natural Eye Drops for Dry / Tired / Red Eyes to Brighten Them

Eyes are a window to the soul. We see the beauty of this world through our eyes. An eye contact is enough to fall in love with a special someone. So of course we want to keep the condition of our eyes well.

When you come home after a long day from work or school do your eyes feel itchy or tired or dry or red? Well if any of these are the symptoms you should know it is curable without the need to put chemicals in your eyes. Our eyes are sensitive so obviously we should approach for a natural method.

For more solutions also check out: DIY: 3 Ways Whiten/Brighten Your Eyes Naturally
I have experimented with these eye drops for around 3 months and therefore I know the benefits it gives 🙂 The eye drops from drugstores will only give you a temporary relief. If you want permanent results I definitely recommend the following method…

All You Need:
Organic / Cold Pressed Castor Oil (I used Pukka’s Organic Castor Oil)
1 Q-Tip


Mysteries of Castor Oil:
It is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. It also stimulates our immune system.

It has some unique fatty acids and Vitamin E that helps in the healing process of any organ including our skin and eyes.

It is a native seed of India and it has been widely used in Ayurveda, Chinese Medicines and most eastern countries.

It is widely used in skin care cosmetics because of its ability to heal, inhibit moles and keep the bad bacteria off.

Since it has an ability to thicken and darken hair, it is a perfect remedy for our eye lashes. So this will be another benefit if you use this oil as eye drops.
How Do I Use Them as Eye Drops?

  • It’s very easy. All you do is take a q-tip and dip it in the oil. And put the oil drop straight in your eye. 
  • After you have it in your eyes lie down with your eyes closed for at least 5 mins. 
  • If your symptoms are very noticeable everyday, I suggest you to do this twice a day. Once in the morning when you wake up and another before you go to sleep. 
  • But if your eyes have slight symptoms, you only have to do it once a day. In this case use the drops before you go to sleep. 
  • Please make sure not to poke yourself in the eye. If you want you can tell some else to do it for you.
  • I also want to underline the terms organic and cold pressed when you buy the castor oil since you are going to put it in your eyes and we need to make sure it is 100% safe.

Hoping not to sound like a controlling mom I do want to emphasize the last two points 🙂

Personal Experience:

I used to have slightly dry and red eyes every morning because I wear contact lenses and I was looking for something natural as a cure. I read about a lot of people who cured their various eye conditions with castor oil and decided to give it a try. So I used it once a day before going to sleep.

I have used this method for 3 months and I can say with no hesitation that it works REALLY well.
Yes it takes longer than normal eye drops but the results are waaay better and permanent. The eye drops I used didn’t target the root problem so I would get the dry and red eyes again after a day.

I actually started noticing results in a month and a half with castor oil but I continued to use it for 3 months because I was afraid the symptoms would come back. I haven’t used the oil for about 3 weeks now and my eyes feel really healthy. No sign of dryness or redness. I am super relieved. Yes my eyes look much more brighter and sparkling 😉

I hope I have opened your eyes.

Let me know your experience with it…

Take Care.

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DIY: 10 Morning Breakfasts for Healthy Skin, Hair and Body (School / Work Edition)


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day but also the most ignored one… Why? Because most of us are in hurry and we don’t have time to stop, sit and eat. And some of us gets lazy (that’s clearly me!).

A study from Tel Aviv University found that dieters who ate a big breakfast and a small dinner lost 240% more weight than others in the study who had a big dinner and a small breakfast.

Did you know it literally means the meal that “breaks the fast.” I wonder how I never figured that one out :/
It is especially important to eat breakfast if you are trying to lose weight or to be fit.

Why is it so Important?

  • It boosts our metabolism. When we sleep for a LOT of hours our metabolic rate decreases and so we need to eat breakfast to boost it up. It will break down more fat and calories if you eat the morning meal than when you don’t. It’s like turning the engine on which makes us lose weight. How cool is that!
  • It increases our concentration power and also boosts our brain activity. So next time you don’t eat breakfast and fall asleep in the lectures… you know the problem! According to the American Dietetic Association, children who ate their breakfast perform better in the classroom and in the playground.
  • Studies show that it lowers our cholesterol level in the long run. 
  • It keeps the mood swings off. Generally people are in a much better mood if they eat their morning meal with gratitude. Food is always the solutions 🙂

So now you know. Let’s get to the what-to-eat-when-you-are-in-a-hurry part…

1. Grab a Fruit – Takes 30 seconds

Either banana, apple, plums, peaches etc… whatever you favorite fruit just grab it and eat it on the way to your destination. I most likely grab peaches because they are my favorite.

2. Chocolate Honey Oatmeal – Takes 2 minutes

It even sounds delicious. It tastes ever better. So all you do is take some of that chocolate syrup about 1 tbsp. Then mix it with some milk. Heat up the milk to your preference. And add a handful of oats. Although if you want to make it sweeter you can add 1 tbsp of honey. On those mornings when I want to have something sweet but healthy… this is what I make. I know the syrup is not good but hey it’s only 1 spoon 🙂 If you don’t want the chocolate you can use 2 tbsp of honey instead to make it super healthy. It is SO YUMMY!

3. Eggs – Time depends on how you cook it!

I like boiled eggs because I can use put them in a pan to let it boil for 15 mins. Meanwhile I can do my makeup in that time frame and then I come back to my favorite part.. eat them!
You can also make an omelet if you have extra 5 mins. Because eggs have a lot of protein, I think they are the best for breakfast.

4. Granola – Takes 3 mins

Its literally just adding things in a bowl and eating it. I like adding yogurt and berries with my granola. You can add in dry fruits like walnuts and almonds. Change it up everyday and be artsy with it… Although make sure when you buy your granola. Some of them have a lot of added sugar, flavorings, preservatives and all that nasty stuff. That’s not healthy for a morning meal. Look for labels like no artificial sweeteners and flavors.

5. Shakes – 5 mins

Add any of your favorite fruit with milk in a blender and you have a quick shake. I like adding banana because they are naturally sweet so I don’t need to add anything else and it is much quicker. These shakes are like eating and drinking at the same time. You can use strawberries instead and add in a hint of vanilla essence. This could be your protein shake of the day since it is milk based.

6. Smoothies – 5 mins

Grab all your favorite fruits and them em’ in a blender. Change up your recipe every day and experiment it. My favorite smoothie recipe is a bunch of grapes + an apple + a bunch of blueberries = smoothie with a hint of delicious. You can make it more interesting by adding in tropical fruits like mangoes, pineapples, papayas etc… If you make them you will feel like you are sitting on a tropical beach wearing a hoola skirt. I hope I am not the only one with that feeling ~.~

7. Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich – 3 mins

As weird as it sounds, it is just as yummy. So take wholemeal bread (you can toast it as well) and spread some peanut butter in it. Cut up a banana and add the slices on top. It super quick and super good. Make sure the peanut butter is the natural and healthy kind without any artificial sweeteners. As long as it doesn’t have anything artificial in it… its healthy!

8. Avocados on Toast – 3 mins

Avocados on Toast with Ricotta
Toast some break. Spread some ricotta cheese on it and top it off with some sliced avocados. Who knew you could give a twist like this to a toast. The days of classy butter and toast are gone I guess 🙁

9. Cinnamon Sandwich – 3 mins

Take a wholemeal bread or toast. Spread some almond butter on and top it off with some sprinkles of cinnamon. Spices in the morning can also help boost up your metabolism. So keep your hands on this one if you are trying to lose weight.

10. Yoghurt with a twist – 2 mins

Grab some dry fruits or berries or chia seeds or everything and throw it in your bowl of yogurt. Create your very own yogurt twist. Yogurt is also a great metabolism booster.
Even though you only have 5 mins in the morning to eat, you can easily have your breakfast now with any of the recipes above. Honestly I rarely skip it because I get SUPER hungry every morning so I can’t skin it even if I wanted to.

Let me know if you have your own Breakfast recipes in the comments below Smile

Take Care.

Beauty Benefits of Meditation: Reverse The Aging, Weightloss, Clear Skin & More…

I have always heard celebrities and models talking about meditation which they practice on a regular basis such as Hugh Jackman, Miranda Kerr, Jennifer Aniston etc… and when you ask them why… their most common answers would be “to stay looking younger” or “for healthy glowing skin” or “healthy body” etc…

In this post I will tell you what meditation does for our physical appearance and how it does that.
Read more to unravel the secret mysteries of life… (I can be quite dramatic sometimes!!)

Meditation for Skin & Youth:

Our skin is one of the most visible expression of beauty. It is the largest organ of the body and it needs to be nourished from the inside first. Today’s over-the-counter skin care products only offer the temporary solution to “fix” our skin from the outside.
If we start working from the inside and nurture every cell of our skin, it will radiate from within. It’s like igniting an inner candle.

One of the major cause of aging skin, pimples, hormones over-reacting is stress!! Now you are probably telling yourself… but I never worry about anything… well think about it again! Was your first thought in the morning something like “ugh I don’t want to get out of bed” or do you struggle throughout the day and you just want to get it over with? Do you only wait for the weekends to enjoy… well guess what… You do take stress.

Meditation teaches you to live in the moment. It aligns your energy chakras calming down your body and balancing the annoying, acne-causing, over-reacting hormones. Basically it brings peace in our body which will bring that glow and youth to our skin.

“As a meditation teacher and nutritionist, over the years I’ve seen countless women improve their complexions virtually overnight by using a few deftly chosen natural skin care products while starting to meditate just a few minutes each day. If you learn the secrets of meditating properly, you, too, can take years off your looks rather quickly, and I do mean rapidly compared to alternative beauty techniques.” ~ William Bodri

The most amazing thing about meditation is that it is FREE! I mean come on, we spend hundreds of dollars in skin care products… I am sure we can work this one out, right?
Meditation triggers the healing process to become faster. The more frequently you meditate, the faster you will heal. It’s as simple as that!

As I said, meditation heals almost ALL diseases so if you are looking for a way to clear skin and get rid of acne then this your best bet. I have researched on many people who had acne their entire life and since they started meditating, it was gone completely like POOF! Tracy Raftl a.k.a The Love Vitamin shares her journey to beautiful, radiant skin! She is so down-to-earth and beautiful. Definitely read her blog and I promise it will motivate you to achieve clear skin.

Meditation for Weight Loss:

“…but almost everyone I meet fails to recognize just how powerful their mind is. Sustainable weight loss is not about tricking or forcing your body to be thin. It’s about changing your body from the inside out so your body actually wants to be thin.
Visualization and meditation are the most-effective tools I know to help you get started.” ~ Jon Gabriel who lost dramatic weight in only 21 days with the help of meditation.

A recent most popular topic in weight loss is about “Mindful Eating.” Basically it is when we give our full attention to what we are eating. Tasting each and every bite, appreciating the food and enjoying the array of flavours. It’s like you are eating and meditating at the same time. Now THAT is what I call an epic benefit because I LOVE eating food. Although I am not trying to lose weight but imagine eating all kinds of food and not putting on weight at all. I mean… that’s a miracle ALL women wish for at least a hundred times in their life. Ladies this is a jackpot!!!

Mindful eating causes the hormone Cortisol to decrease. This hormone literally ruins people’s life by causing obesity and pre-diabetes. It makes us crave all that junk food that we stuff somewhere we can’t reach but we still eat it in the end.
Mindful eating makes us eat slowly which gives the food time to digest fully and easily. This results in people going shopping for a new pair of jeans because their current ones are too big. And weight loss of course.. haha

Yogis have been claiming all these benefits of meditation for thousands of year and it is still very popular in the East. However not many people in the West are familiar with it. So let’s see what science has to say about the benefits of meditation.

Science Behind Meditation:

A scientist from the University of California, Elizabeth Blackburn, says that meditation is just another word for an “immortality enzyme.” She says that 12 minutes of daily meditation for 8 weeks will increase the Telomerase Activity by 43% which reverses the aging process.

A recent discovery has been found by scientists from the Harvard University that meditation has the ability to change the cells at DNA level. So the next time you say “oh you’re good at it because you’ve got the genes” give it a second thought because we can have those same genes as well!

Telomeres are found at the end of our DNA. The longer the telomeres, the better-protected our DNA will be and the longer our cells will live. So they compared the telomere length of 15 experienced meditators to 22 non-meditators and found that the meditators had longer telomeres. The increase in DNA protection + the longevity of our cells = Beautiful life filled with Youth.

There are thousands of scientific reports trying to prove meditation and its benefit but I am not going to give too many details and the big scienc-y words that no one can understand because it is LOOOONG! All I can tell you is that for more information go to Google dot com 🙂

But I do hope I have give you a little insight of meditation. You don’t have to be a pro on the first day. You can work your way up by doing at least 15 mins every day.
I have been doing Yoga for 2 years now but I have only been doing meditation for a week now. I will continue it of course because I already feel really good after practicing it everyday.

If you want to learn how to meditate I recommend you an amazing book called Healing with Meditation by Doriel Hall. It’s a short and straight-forward book especially good for beginners like me. You can of course use Internet to learn but this book explains everything from A-Z really well.

Let me know if you have had any experience in meditation. I would love to hear how you feel about it Smile

Take Care.

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DIY: 6 Ways to Banish Oily Skin Naturally

Hey Girls! Hope you are all having a beautiful spring weekend 🙂
I have always been blessed with oily skin *sarcasm* so I feel y’all who have it too. 
BUT one thing I like is that the girls with oily skin will definitely look younger than they are in their olden days because their skin will be nourished with sebum. Whereas dry skin will may cause early wrinkles.
So I found this video on YouTube from Tracy Raftl and she used to be an “acne sufferer” so she has some REALLY amazing videos on her channel all about skin and natural beauty. 
She is so inspiring and I can totally relate to her in some ways. 
Her video is linked below. 
I hope it helps you all. 
Don’t hate your oily skin but learn to control and accept it because oily skin has its own perks 🙂 

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” ~ Bob Marley

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Acne Can Be Caused by the Absence of Acid Mantle of Our Skin

Did you know that we have a protective layer on our skin that kills harmful bacteria and prevents acne? Well we do… That is why babies have the most beautiful skin because they have that protective layer in a good condition. We call that layer Acid Mantle!

But of course if you have been using products that are not natural and strip away our skin, the chances are that acid mantle is long gone. But not to worry because we can restore it with a super amazing skin care regime. Read more to find out…

What exactly is Acid Mantle in Scientific Terms?

So according to Wikipedia the perfect definition is: The acid mantle is a very fine, slightly acidic film on the surface of the skin acting as a barrier to bacteria, viruses and other potential contaminants that might penetrate the skin.

The natural pH of our outer skin should be between 4.5 and 6 so basically our skin should be slightly acidic. Now you might be wondering if that is even safe for our skin or not. Well it turns out that this is the safest for our skin.

This pH keeps the good bacteria alive on our skin. These good bacteria kill the bad ones (the ones that cause acne I hate them) by producing lactic acid. If we remove the acid mantle, the good bacteria dies and so there is nothing left to kill the bad ones. These bad boys then give us acne, allergies, rashes and many other skin conditions.

The face washes and moisturizers we use everyday are on the alkaline (opposite of acidic) side on pH scale. So these chemicals and cosmetics are the main cause of destroying our acid mantle. I published a blog post on chemicals and how they harm us. Check it out here: Are the everyday food & chemicals (makeup, skincare..) major cancer causing agents?

So in fact when we feel all squeaky clean while washing face with a soap… the reality is you are striping away a protective layer that invites the bad bacteria to cause acne and pimples. Even the products that claim they are “pH balanced” are full of crap… literally because they still contain alcohols, parabens etc…

“If the acid mantle is not intact,” says dermatologist Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, MD, PhD, “this can predispose skin to inflammation and enzymatic activity that can, in turn, speed aging.”

How Can I Restore My Acid Mantle?

I use ACV (apply cider vinegar) as a skin toner. It is slightly acidic and has amaaaazing skin benefits. It’s really good for acne prone skin, it fights the bad bacteria and of course adjusts our pH i.e. restores acid mantle.

  • Take 1tsp of ACV and mix it with 2tsp of water to dilute it.
  • With a cotton pad apply this mixture on your skin after removing makeup and cleansing skin.

But when buying ACV be extremely careful because it has to be organic and raw. Only then I find the results are effective. Also make sure it includes the “mother” because it contains many nutrients and minerals.
The best brands for ACV are Bragg and Biona.
If you find any other brand that claims the same “good stuff” as the two brands above then you can use that one too.

I also have started using soap on once in a day. Before I used soap twice a day on my face. Now I am thinking not to use it at all because I have a really good cleansing/toning routine that I won’t need soap at all.
If you want to find out my cleansing and toning routine check it out: DIY: 100% Natural Anti-bacterial Cleanser & Toner for Acne-prone Skin and Scars

It gets rid of all the oils and dirt. It balances the pH of my skin. It takes off my makeup really well. It keeps my skin smooth and supple and flawless. What else do we girls need, right?

These two methods have been experienced personally by myself so if you have any questions let me know in the comments below 🙂
They are definitely safer than the drugstore crap. They give effective results and are awesome for our skin!

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” ~Ashley Smith

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How Visualization Helps to Manifest Anything You Want

It is said that our subconscious mind cannot differ what is real and what is imaginary. So if you are visualizing something now, our subconscious mind alerts the conscious mind to bring that vision into reality by taking relevant actions.
Our subconcious mind knows a LOT more than we realize. Sometimes we think that we forgot this or that but in reality every information is stored in our subconscious mind. We just don’t know how to tap in there… YET!

Have you ever heard that we only use 10% of our brain? Well… 90% of the rest is our subconscious mind. This part of our brain allows us humans to do and access much more than you can even imagine…
Before you read this post any further you might want to read this (for a background info): How you can change your appearance without surgery, needles or makeup.. on a Budget!

Science Behind Visualization:

You must have heard that while studying, pictures or images help us memorize things better than words.
Well it works the same for our mind. Whatever we picture-ize helps our brain to manifest it better than words do.

So what is the mind-body connection? The mental form of our mind is Emotion. Emotions produce feelings and feelings produce physical sensations (e.g. watch a scary movie, get frightened, get goose bumps). So visualizing helps our brain to produce these emotions and physical sensations manifesting them into reality.

Celebrities Who Use Visualization to Achieve Success:

Jim Carrey: grew up in poor conditions but always used to visualize himself as an actor. He’d imagine directors coming up to him to hire him as an actor.

Ryan Reynolds: in preparation for his role in Blade Trinity he visualized himself with a muscular body and abs. His workout trainer taught him the visualization technique. “He showed me how important the process of visualization is. Visualizing the transformation I had to make, I believe was key to making it happen. With this information, I began training as though preparing for the Olympics.”

Tiger Woods: was taught this technique by his father Earl. He imagines exactly where he wants the golf ball to stop and today he is the most successful golf player in the world.

Arnold Shwarzenegger: visualized what it would be like to win the title of Mr. Universe and he acted as if he already won it. After a few years, he actually won the title.

How to Visualize:

Now that I have proved it’s not just some hocus pocus thing let’s consider how we can use it for ourselves…
  1. Find a quiet place. Like meditation, you need to focus on what you are going to visualize. Distractions will only make your images blurry in mind.
  2. Imagine as a first person in present tense. For example: you want to get a nice car. Imagine yourself sitting in this car and FEEL the emotions of being there and feel the steering wheel in your hands and see only the car. Imagine yourself IN the goal not reaching for your goal.
  3. Use your senses of taste it, smell it, feel it in your body, hear the sounds, see the image. Use as many senses as you can while visualizing. This will make it more believable for your brain to manifest it into reality.
  4. Create a vision board or a collage of pictures on your computer which you can see constantly throughout your day. Whatever my goal is, I always look up relevant images of it on Google and set it as my desktop background. You can draw or paint it if you are an artistic person. You can make a diary of pictures and carry it with you everywhere. Just BE CREATIVE!
  5. Use props! For example if you want money, write yourself a check and imagine your boss giving you this check as a promotion or something. Jim Carrey wrote himself a check of 10 million dollars. He dated it a few years in advance and wrote “for acting services rendered.” A few months later he got a check of 10 million dollars from a director of his movie “Dumb and Dumber.”
  6. Be Persistent! Visualize several times a day. Don’t make it just a once-off thing. This won’t help your subconscious mind to materialize it. I especially visualize before sleeping because just before sleeping our mind collects a lot of “messages” to work on.    
  7. Feel as many emotions as you can while visualizing. Intensify each and every feeling. This will create that physical sensation.
  8. Visualize ONLY the achievement of goal. Don’t bother imagining the whole process of how you are going to achieve your goal because that will limit the possibilities of the different ways you can achieve. And it will be a lot for your brain to take in!
  9. FEELKNOW and TRUST that it will work! Without these 3 words, you can visualize as much as you want but you ain’t gettin’ anything.

Personal Experience:

I visualized myself getting amaaazing grades in my final year of high-school. I used to imagine myself open THE letter and being super happy about the grades I get. I felt every emotion that I would feel if I got above 80% average. I created a document which recorded my final year grades and set it as my desktop background.  
Eventually, I didn’t get 80% …………….. I GOT 83% !!! Yup that’s how much of a geek I am haha.
Remember when you were a child you used to have imaginary friends and played pretend… Well be that child now. Who said you have to grow up 🙂

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” ~ Einstein 

Take Care.

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How to Use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to Heal the Emotional Pains of Acne

This article has really opened a whole new world to me. I never knew such a thing even existed until now. 
I just discovered it today and I was so excited about it that I shared it with you guys the next second. 

Stress is one of the major reasons of acne. And if have acne but are still thinking that no way I am stressful… the chances are you are most likely under stress. Try this technique and find it out yourself. You have nothing to lose anyway… because it completely free 🙂 
Even if you have won the battle against acne but you still have that low self-esteem or low confidence in yourself, give this a try.

When I tried it just once I felt this HUGE emotional weight lifted off me. It really does feel incredible and if that stress is gone then so will your acne. 

Here is the Original Article about EFT. If you want do a little more research and try it out. I am so gonna try it out.
Let me know how it works out for you!

“If the problem can be solved why worry? If the problem cannot be solved worrying will do you no good” ~ Santideva

Take Care.

Love Krishna 

How you can change your appearance without surgery, needles or makeup.. on a Budget!


This may sound cray-cray by the end of the post but it has been scientifically proven now that it is possible.

Do you want to change the shape of your nose… Do you want to change you body shape… Do you have creepy hands or anything you want to change but don’t want to spend thousands of bucks or go under the knives.

Well you are about to take a lot in so just along with it first…

Humans have always wanted to achieve what they desire but didn’t know where to start or thought it was too much effort or money.

Our brains have evolved in such a way over millions of years that today, we can materialize anything we want. So let’s say you wanted clear, beautiful skin (this is a beauty blog after all). You can achieve this with your one and only Mind i.e your thoughts. And it is not some mumbo jumbo because then I would have never done this post since people wouldn’t believe it and say it’s crap! It is proved by the Quantum Physics!

The greatest people in the world have used this method to achieve what they want including Einstein, Aristotle, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Hitler and many more…

The Science behind it:

Some people call it law of attraction or power of thoughts or spirituality and the science calls it Quantum Physics. I will try to make it sense to you (wish me luck).

The Quantum physics says that nothing (no matter) is real in terms of its “solidity” and permanence. Everything changes in constant motion. Whatever we see in this physical world is just patterns of energy in form of waves. This energy changes when it is observed by a conscious energy (i.e a person). Our consciousness effects physical world i.e. our mind effects the matter.
So what happens is when we have a thought, we are sending frequencies to the outer world which we call the Universe. These frequencies go out and gets “attracted” to similar frequencies and hence creating it into reality.

According to Dr. Taylor (Ph.D author of Decoding the Law of Attraction), to put the thought into action so it can become reality, you must visualize or envision what you want. These visions set up frequencies to get a response from the Universe to create reality. And when we are visualizing, we must feel the emotions of happiness, excitement etc.. that we would have if we had things we wanted. These feelings trigger the frequencies.

This is why we should monitor our thoughts and keep the ones we prefer. These thoughts when combined with images and feelings and focused on triggers the frequencies that will attract similar frequencies of Universe and create reality.
It took me a lot of researching, hair-pulling and over-reading to actually understand the science behind it. But it makes sense to me now.

Did I ever try it and Did it work?
Yes actually I have tried it so many times and most of the times it worked.

I tried it for my driver’s licence, my final exams in 12th grade and when I needed some money (and trying on some things now as well)
For my 12th grade exams I got an average of 83% which was shocking to me because I NEVER got anything above 75%. So I am very grateful for that.

Personal Story:
When I was younger, I always wanted to be more attractive physically and personality wise. But I was full of insecurities and my first few high school years weren’t the typical fun and out going days. There were some people who made me feel very bad so as I grew up I wanted to change how I feel about myself. I wanted to make myself stronger so I can deal with those kinda people and I wanted to feel beautiful inside-out. 

And when I discovered this whole world of creating your own reality I cried first… literally because I realized there was hope for me that I can change my life for good and it will be in my hands. So I followed these steps and it was a pretty enlightening journey. I learnt a lot along the way. 

I honestly can say that I am a very different person now than I was a year ago. When I look in the mirror I do feel that I am beautiful because I never point out my flaws and feel in-secured. And not being vain but even some of my friends noticed there was something about me that changed and they always tell me I look pretty or something. I have been proposed by so many guys which would be impossible to even think during my first few years in high school. When I changed how I thought about myself positively, I noticed so many differences like: my skin has cleared up completely, my eyes are brighter and healthier… I don’t even need to style my hair and I get more compliments on my natural hair… my body feels energetic and my metabolism is amazing even if I eat junk food (only sometimes) I don’t gain any weight. 

I have read so many stories of people who followed this “law of attraction” and changed their lives.
Some people:

  • cured obesity and cancer 
  • became models/celebrities
  • became rich and wealthy
  • achieved their dreams 
  • found their life partners
  • changed their eye colour.. or nose shape.. or shape of their bodies
  • travelled the world
  • won lotteries etc…

Here is a link where you can read those thousands of stories by people across the world:

How Exactly does this Law work:
I suggest you read books or watch movies on it to learn it in more detail but here I will tell you some basic things that worked for me.Lets say you want clear, beautiful skin…

1) Positive thoughts/ Affirmations: even if your skin is filled with acne, find something… anything… that’s positive like: I am healing my skin and it is healthy. Say this to yourself out-loud (when no one is around or else you will look cray-cray) or say it while looking at yourself in the mirror. Don’t just say it once and then go back to negatives… say it or at least think about it as many times you can. This will help build up that positive frequency.

2) Visualize and Feel: Be creative with this. As children we used to have crazy imaginations but as we grew up we thought it was childish and stupid. But one of the greatest man on Earth ALWAYS said “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere” ~ Einstein. So imagine whatever you want. In this case imagine you are with your friends or just outside and you feel so confident in your own skin that people come up to you and give you compliments. You can draw or paint whatever you want. You can do anything to increase your imagination power. When you are visualizing you have to feel what it would be like to have that beautiful clear skin. Ask yourself how would I feel if I had this or that and then heighten those feelings. This will trigger the frequencies you produced in the first step to go out into the Universe and attract similar frequencies.

3) Giving: Always have the giving nature that every human has. If you want more money then you have to give money first. Give it to charity or something. Have you ever heard “what you sow is what you reap” or the word karma…? Well this is the whole point. You need to give something first in able to receive. You can’t be like… oh I will give when I get first because that’s where you fail. You have to prove that you are worthy of the thing you are asking for. So if you want clear skin then compliment someone. It doesn’t have to be physical giving. It could be prayers, gifts, compliments… anything in your power. 

4) Believe: You need to get rid of the doubts like: but how is this going to work… or it’s impossible to get this/that. Just believe that it will work anyhow. Sounds soo cheesy but don’t think of the how’s and when’s because they will be the stepping stones and will produce doubts. Whenever you get a doubt stop yourself and then think of those positive thoughts and tell yourself to just go with the flow.

History of Law of Attraction:

This knowledge actually existed waaaay back then in the ancient times. We know this because it has been mentioned in the Gita (Hindu Bible), Quran, Bible, Judaism and many more religious books. But it was lost when the wars came and when people started claiming lands to banish the native religions. For a long time after that this knowledge was discovered again but people didn’t believe in it. They thought it was just some crap that doesn’t work in the practical world.

Then when the science proved it people started to take it seriously and here we are now.
Now I am starting to think I believe the religious juju things more than the science. Does that make me the only one crazy? I hope not…

Books and Movies about Law of Attraction:

My Favourite one is The Power and The Hero. They are books (later was made into a movie) by Rhonda Byrne. Here she talks about this law in more detail and I recommend EVERYONE to read it because it will be your life changing decision. And no I am not promoting her books. She also published many other books on the same subject.

There is a whole movie made on law of attraction called The Secret by the same author. You can watch it on YouTube. HERE is a link of the movie. The movie is the same as the book Power but it is more interesting to watch sometimes. The book is more detailed though.

I also love all the books by Louisse L. Hay especially Power is Within You. Louisse was diagnosed with cancer and she had a very difficult past. She used this knowledge to heal herself and set herself free from her past. Her story is really inspiring and it helped me through my difficult times too.

If you want more details on this you have the whole world of Google and YouTube. There’s unlimited amounts of info and articles and people sharing their experiences. Mine is just one of the many. There’s a lot more…

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the step” ~ Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Take Care.

Are the everyday food & chemicals (makeup, skincare..) major cancer causing agents?

We are in the century where using chemicals and technology has become an everyday thing. Do you use body moisturizer, shaving gel, make up, shampoo, white sugar or white bread? “”(Yes that includes even the chemicals in our food)

If so you need to read this for a healthier, safer and longer life…

Our immune system is what fights these chemicals. However if these chemicals are a part of our everyday lives constantly attacking our immune system, then it will get weaker day by day. When the immune system gets weaker we have no internal protection against diseases like cancer.

Why is it that in the ancient times men and women used to be stronger, taller and healthier? It is because chemicals and pollution didn’t exist at that time. They ate pure, whole and organic food to nourish their body inside out.

Did cancer exist in the ancient times?
No it did not. Today’s Scientists declared that cancer is a man-made disease in the UK’s Daily Mail newspaper. They experimented on mummified bodies to find any trace of tumour but they found none. So that basically means we are killing ourselves very slowly day-by-day just by eating normal food.

If this is what living in a 1st world country means then there no difference between the western world and the African/Asian countries where clean drinking water isn’t safe. In poor countries people die from dirty water and here people die from dirty food/cancer. Well in the world of business and power and greed, we can still make a difference and fight for our survival like Josephine Wood did.

Josephine Wood wrote a book called Naturally Gorgeous on how she survived and fought against a cancerous disease called Crohn’s Disease. Not only she writes about her organic diet but also about her organic skin care, hair care and make up. Its like an ultimate book of living naturally. She even says organic food tastes much better than normal food. So if there is such a thing as organic chocolate and it tastes even better than normal chocolate… IMAGINE THAT! It will be my new BFF!!

Her book also shares all the organic brands that sell skin/body/hair products and other household products. It is a must-read book if you want healthier and safer life for you and your family!

Be careful especially if you just had a baby and you are feeding him/her the baby food from markets. They have all the nasty stuff too. Babies have weaker immune system than adults and so they are more vulnerable. Feed them organic milk or cook the food at home to be on the safe side. The famous actress Jessica Alba set up her own company called Honest (named after her first baby girl) which sells non-toxic and natural products for babies. They were frustrated from searching for a single company that sells safe products like diapers or wipes for babies but they couldn’t find one. So they set up their own! If you are looking for such companies, you might want to start from here Smile

Processed foods are the reason why Obesity is increasing in the western world. They are high in hydrogenated fats, salt, sugar and preservatives. They cause much more than just obesity like migraines, hyperactivity, allergies, asthma, osteoporosis and heart diseases. I don’t understand why they are even being sold in supermarkets even though they harm us. I guess this is where consumerism comes in!

Where to buy Organic food from?
You can sign up for a box delivery scheme which allows manufacturers to bring fresh organic produce direct to your door from farms. They deliver foods like fruits, veg, dairy, meat, fish, wine and cleaning products. Check the internet for your local organic box schemes!

Nowadays many supermarkets sell organic food too so this can be your alternative way.

What does all this have to do with beauty?
Well I am a living proof of the fact that organic living significantly changed how I look physically and how I feel mentally. My skin used to have all the annoying issues like acne, whiteheads, oiliness etc… I got sick of it so I decided to throw away ALL my skin care products which was one of the best decisions I ever made. Then I bought some organic skin care products like Sukin’s Facial Moisturiser and many more. From this one change in my beauty regimen my skin has cleared up. No acne, no whiteheads and no oiliness. I can pretty much say my skin is almost like a baby’s now. I became much more confident in myself and the way I feel about myself i.e the typical insecurities were gone for good!

Sukin has an AMAZING collection for skin, hair, body and sun care. If you are looking for a brand with all these good stuff try this one!
I am still on a hunt for organic hair care products but as soon as I find them I will do a blog post on them.

You can make homemade skin/body care products. I have published 100’s of posts on DIYs which IS what my blog is about. Besides DIY’s are fun and they have no side effects like most drugstore face washes have a side effect of dry skin.

Feel Unique website sells a whole range of organic skin/hair/body/makeup products and they ship worldwide which is sometimes FREE!

Change your path to an organic or even natural living.
It will guaranteed save you medical / doctor’s appointment costs.
It will make you feel confident, happier and closer to our mother nature.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world…” ~ Gandhi 

Take Care.

Love Krishna

A Natural, Vegetarian and Vegan Skin Care Brand

Today I have found out a brand that offers natural skin care called Lulu Blossom founded by Racheal Kash. She is featured in an episode of I am BIG which is a talk show which focuses on redefining what it means to be “big.”

In the video below you can see this brand’s skin/body care line. She also demonstrates how to get a healthy glow for your skin naturally. Who doesn’t want that… 

My skin care routine is 100% natural. I threw away all the chemical products months ago and it was the best decision I ever made. My skin has never been so healthy and radiant. Therefore I am always on a hunt for Natural skin care brands and this is one of them!

When I watched it, it was truly inspirational and touching. Check out the video below on: 

Take Care.