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Posts by krishna:

DIY: Lighten your skin tone

Ok so I just came back from India (I was on holidays). So I haven’t really posted any posts lately.
But anyways… When I was there last time, one of my cousins had reaaaallllyyyy fair skin.
But when I went this time, her skin tone was darker.

So I asked her and she said “It was my wedding last year so everyday I used aloe vera to lighten my skin tone.” I asked further more and she actually kept aloe vera plants in her house to use it freshly.

Now we can’t do that if we don’t have time but you can buy the 99% pure aloe vera gel from pharmacies/drugstores. They never sell 100% pure because they have to add preservatives in to keep them long lasting.

So if you want lighter skin tone, get the aloe vera gel and apply it every single day and massage it into your skin for atleast 2 mins. Massage it on your face and neck. Because you don’t want your face whiter than your neck. It looks unnatural and NOT attractive at all. I am going to try this too.

This is actually recommended in Ayurvedic (Ancient Indian beauty secrets) and ALL the treatments for any problems from head to toe, works for everyone. They are all natural as well. Please let me know about your experience 🙂 Take care

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Hair Tip That Solves ANY Problem

Do you have hair loss prob? Dry hair? Thick and Brittle hair? Afro unmanageable hair?
If you have any of the above issues, this tip will take care of it completely.

Personal Experience: I have severe hair loss and I tried SO many ways and this is the one that worked best for me. I have dry, weak and brittle hair, so it need extra care and so far this thing worked BESTEST for me.

So all you need is: any Frizz Control Serum and Almond oil.
I use Shockwaves Styling Gloss Serum and Almond oil bought from Health Store.

Ok so when you have washed your hair and when it is 100% dry, take your serum and almond oil. Take a small amount of almond oil in a bowl. Now take 1-2 inch strand of hair. In your palm, mix 4 drops of serum to 2 drops of almond oil. Mix them together in your palm and apply to each strand of your hair. Brush the strand before applying the mixture. Do this for 3-4 weeks and your hair will be lustrous.

Don’t worry your hair won’t smell because almond oil doesn’t have ANY odor. And it won’t make your hair greasy at all because your hair will absorb the oils if they are dry and brittle.

My hair have stopped falling off now and my hair brushes are NOT loaded with fallen hair.

Check out my blog post on: DIY: Get Voluminous Lustrous Hair for more tips.

Do you get that panic when you see your hairbrush after brushing your hair? Well this tip will take care of that. Tell me about your experience after trying this out in the comment sec. below 🙂 Take Care.

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: 4 Ways to use Green Tea for Clear Skin

Green tea is really good for skin and hair. I have a blog-post on how you can use green tea to prevent hair loss. Click HERE to check it out. Green tea has anti-oxidants, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties which helps your skin to glow, look healthier and younger.

So here are 3 tips on how you can use green tea for skin:

1) Make Green Tea Ice Cubes to Get Rid of Redness

Fill a cup of warm water and put a green tea bag. Let the tea bag soak in for 5mins then take it off. Now put the green tea in an ice cube tray and put it in freezer overnight. Next morning take an ice and rub it on where you have red skin/pimples in circular motions. Then wash your face with warm to cold water and you are ready to go.

2) Exfoliating with green tea and sugar.

Brew some green tea and when it is warm, take 1 tbsp of green tea to half tbsp of sugar. Mix them in a bowl but don’t let sugar melt. Before that happens, exfoliate your skin in circular motions and there you have a clear skin free from dead skin cells.

3) You can simply use cold brewed green tea as a facial rinse.

 So when you wake up, wash your face with any facial wash you use. Then take the green tea and rinse your face with it. Pat your face dry and you are ready to go. This will make your skin glow throughout the day and won’t look flaky or dull.

4) Using Green tea as a sun protection.

 In summer or sunny days, pour some green tea in a spray bottle. Spray the green tea all over your body and then apply sunscreen lotion. Green tea protects skin from sun damage and UV rays. So your skin won’t burn and won’t get wrinkly skin before the age.

P.S. Don’t forget the neck area when you are using above tips. Or else you might end up with uneven skin tone 🙂
And whenever you use brewed green tea, make sure its NOT hot and warm enough or cold to rinse your face.
Take care

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Make-Up Removers for Any Skin Type

Hello Beauties! People are saving up money for Christmas and of course the R..rec.. recession. It’s horrible I know but you don’t have to worry. I have so many DIYs to fill up your piggy bank. Today’s post will be about how to make your own make up removers suitable for your skin type.

1) Grape fruit oil for dry skin.

I would prefer Grapefruit oil because it penetrates easily through your skin. And its moisturizing enough for dry skin types. So get a cotton ball and dip it in the oil and simply sweep of all the make up. I would recommend you to soak or dampen your face before taking make up off with oil because it will make easier for you to take off the make up.

2) Water mixed with Aloe Vera for acne prone and sensitive skin.

You can get Aloe Vera at any health/drugs stores. So get any type of a container preferably a bottle. Pour 200 ml of water in and 100 ml of Aloe Vera. Close the bottle and shake it to mix them up. Dampen your face and soak a cotton with the mixture we made and simply take off all the make up.

3) Olive Oil for oily skin types.

You might be wondering how can I use an oil for oily skin. Don’t worry, it won’t make your skin oily because your skin can’t absorb olive oil. It just balances the amount of oil in your skin. In other words if your skin is oily, olive oil will reduce the oil in your skin. I know its weird but its a true fact. So dampen face and get a cotton ball. Dip it in the oil and sweep off the make up.

After using any of the above make up removers, wash your face with any face wash. I use Body Shop’s Tea Tree Oil Facial Wash and Neutrogena’s Oil-Free Acne Wash Pink Grapefruit Facial Cleanser.

Take Care

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Prevent Acne during Periods

Hey guys!! I want to do this post because many girls suggest me to do a DIY post on this topic.
Now why do pimples occur during periods? Its because your hormones get active. Unfortunately we can’t stop these hormones but LUCKILY we can slow them down to prevent acne. So here is what you do to slow them down :-

1) Do some kind of meditation or yoga. NOT the OMMMMM….. kind of ones. They are good but you need to do them in proper way. Okay so first sit on a flat floor with a mat on. Fold your legs and do the basic posture of yoga as shown in the photo above. Now close your eyes and focus on the middle point between your eyes with the eyes closed. Then you can count number or say OMMM.. whichever you prefer. Or you could count sheep except don’t fall asleep haha. The point is to calm down your hormones by concentrating on one point.

2) Wash your hair on the second day of your period to clean and cleanse your scalp. Dirty scalps can cause acne especially during periods. DO NOT wash your hair on first day because it is bad for your health. (That’s what my mom says by the way.) I don’t know how it affects your health though.

3) Wear as less makeup as possible. Use tinted moisturizers instead of foundation for few days.

4) Stay hydrated. Drink water and juices with Vitamin C like orange juices of course.

5) Don’t eat much chocolate and oily foods during periods as it is inflammable for your skin during periods.

I hope these tips work for you. P.S. I don’t get acne on period days which is weird but its true so I don’t have personal experience with the tips but I done the research and that is what the world of internet say 🙂 By the way leave comments below if you have more tips to give and your Personal Experience. Stay healthy and Take Care  

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: No Heat Curls in Mins

OMG!! I just found this video on YouTube on how to curl your hair. Its absolutely amazing and takes no time. Its overnight curls without heat and it looks like some hair professional did it.

I am just going to link the video and check it out HERE

By the way I wouldn’t have found this video if it weren’t for this website called Pinterest. Its an amazing website and there are posts for EVERYTHING from people ALL over the world. So do check it out. I have already signed up for it because I am already loving it even though I just found it today 🙂

6 Winter Tips for Curly Hair

Does your hair get really frizzy during winter?? Check out my DIY post to prevent frizz during winter HERE. Does your hair get dry and brittle too?? Well now it won’t if you follow my steps carefully..

1) Avoid straightening your hair during winter because it will make your hair more dry and brittle from the heat damage. Don’t do it more than once a week.

2) After washing your hair, apply some nourishing leave in conditioner or repairing hair cream. I use Avon Repair 3D Rescue to moisturize my hair.

3) Use nourishing oils like almond oil or Moroccan oil which keeps the frizz away and also nourishes hair AMAZINGLY. I always apply it after washing my hair and when they are completely dry. Just apply 1 tbsp of any oil you choose. They don’t have any odor and they won’t make your hair look greasy at all.

4) Use heat protection sprays even if you are not going to put any heat on your hair. Because it will close your hair cuticles and protect from any damage from cold winds of winter. I use TRESemme Heat Defence Styling Spray. It smells AMAZING!!

5) If you want to define your curls and make them look more perfect, do not use curling irons. Instead use rollers or do the pin curls. I know its time consuming but you can blow dry them to speed up the process. Watch a hair tutorial for the pin curls HERE.

6) Blow dry your hair with medium heat for less damage. And DO NOT brush hair when they are wet. It will break them.

Take Care

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: Prevent Hair Loss

Do you have GREEN TEA in your kitchen?? If you don’t you need to buy it ASAP. I LOVE it because it is good for both skin and hair. I will do a separate post on how you can use green tea for skin. But for now its for hair 🙂 Don’t worry your hair won’t smell bad at all. It doesn’t have any smell and it won’t stain your hair.

Okay so here is what you do if you are suffering from hair loss..

1) Take a pan and fill half of it with water.
2) Put 2 green tea bags in the pan and warm up the water on a stove. DO NOT brew it because it will kill the nutrients in green tea. And DO NOT boil it, just warm up the water and stir it with the tea bags until the water is dark-ish green.
3) Then turn off the gas and let the water cool down.
4) Put some ice cubes in the green tea to make it cool because if you pour cold water with green tea in it, it makes your hair shiny and glossy and it closes the hair cuticles to prevent hair loss.
5) When the green tea is cold enough, pour it in a jug.
6) Shampoo and Condition your hair as you do normally and then pour the green tea on your hair and let it pass thoroughly.

Oh and green tea also help in hair growth.

What not to do to when it comes to hair loss :-

Don’t brush your hair when they are wet because that’s when they are at their weakest point.
Don’t do any hairstyles that are tight because they make your hair thin and weak.
Don’t brush your hair every minute. Once a day is enough.
If you have itchy scalp, don’t scratch it harshly.
If you have long sharp nails, they can break your hair. (This is the reason my hair were breaking so then I had to cut my nails and unsharpen them and since then my hair doesn’t really fall out)
Don’t massage your scalp with your nails.
Don’t pull your hair too much when putting them up.

And that is all 🙂 Take Care.

Love Krishna xxx

DIY: How to Get Perfect Lashes Naturally

Do you ever wonder “How do they get long full looking eyelashes” when looking at celebrities like Kim Kardashian? Because I always do. My eyelashes were falling out so much for the past few months so I tried a trick to make them longer and fuller Naturally.

1) Castor oil

This oil is AMAZING if you want dark and full eyelashes.

2) Almond Oil

This oil works for people with short lashes. So to make them longer I definitely recommend this oil. If your lashes are falling out, you can use this one too. I used this trick to prevent my lashes from falling out and now my lashes are looking longer than before and aren’t falling out.

3) Petroleum Jelly

This is the cheapest way to moisturize eyelashes.
WARNING: One of my beautiful reader told me that be very careful when you put this on. It should NOT get into your eyes because it can be very harmful. Wash your eyes immediately with cold water if it does 🙂

4) Do not leave mascaras on your eyelashes overnight. 

I know sometimes we can get lazy and just can’t be bothered to take it off. Well I do get lazy sometimes. But that’s what causes your lashes to fall out and become shorter. Since then I stopped and I definitely see a difference.

5) Take vitamin supplements.

 Because your lashes are very similar to the hair on your head, you need vitamins and minerals to maintain them.

You can also combine some ingredients mentioned above if you have more than 1 problem. Any of the tips you use from above, you can apply them using a Q-tip. I just warm the oils between my fingers and apply directly.
Personal Experience: The 1st and 2nd trick works the best of all 🙂
Take care.

Love Krishna xxx