What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

I was 13 when I actually started drinking green tea. I had all sorts of problems like acne, being over weight, ‘pregnant’ belly.. you name it and I probably had it! And right now I am 21 years old so literally I’ve been drinking green tea CONSISTENTLY for 8 years and I’ll tell you about all the magical things GREEN TEA has done for me.

FUN FACT: Green tea contains an active ingredient called ‘Catechin‘ which helps speed up the body’s metabolism and hence lose weight.

As a 13 year old, I didn’t have money to buy expensive products to get rid of all my issues with skin and body so I was google-ing away all sorts of things and the one thing stuck out to me was.. green tea.

I was so desperate that I started drinking it every single day. I started drinking just one cup a day and I didn’t see much difference.. HOWEVER when I started drinking 2 cups a day and instead of adding sugar I added in honey.. I was absolutely blown away with the results.

So right now I drink 2 cups of green tea everyday and it keeps my weight balanced at a healthy level. Don’t go drinking more than 3 cups because this will produce negative results. If you’re trying to lose weight I suggest drinking at least 2 cups. If you want to simply maintain the weight and metabolism I suggest only 1 cup.

The Result of Consistently Drinking Green Tea:

  • My metabolism became TWICE as fast and immediately I lost all my belly fat. I lost weight all over my body in general but most of my weight was accumulated in my belly area so that’s where I saw the MOST difference. And at the time I didn’t even exercise.. I mean c’mon I was 13 so my exercise was me playing on my pink bike outside our house. Now, my weight doesn’t fluctuate or increase rapidly. To this day my weight is perfectly balanced and I never have to worry about it even if on some days I end up binge eating on junk food (which is actually rare because I don’t like junk food anyway).
  • I saw a difference in my skin.. it used to be SUPER oily and my skin would get clogged up with whiteheads most of the days. Now I rarely get whiteheads or blackheads. I still get hormonal pimples VERY occasionally but I guess that’s normal and I don’t fuss about it at all. I have a detailed video on How I Don’t Get Whiteheads / Blackheads Anymore.

How long did it take to see actual result?

I saw a HUGE difference in only 2-3 weeks. (You may notice results in less or more time than me since everyone’s body is different so be patient and consistent with it).

What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?


Recently, my sister has started drinking green tea because she has the same belly fat issues. I think it runs in my family to be honest. So she started drinking green tea only 2 weeks ago and actually it was her that inspired me to do this post. She has already seen TREMENDOUS amount of difference. She has tried all sorts of exercises before to get rid of the belly fat but it never worked for her. And this time she started drinking green tea but she didn’t do any exercising. She just does some light yoga to relax from all the ‘school stress’. She eats healthy most days but also treats herself with sweets and ice cream on some days. And she still lost a lot of belly fat in just a short amount of time.

How Do I Make Green Tea?

I use any brand that claims to contain 100% pure green tea. But I will say that every brand has a different taste of green tea because the taste depends on how and where it was cultivated so that’s normal. My favorite brand is Our Finest Excellence 100% Pure Green Tea from Walmart.

Even if the labels claim 100% pure.. always make sure to check the ingredients. It should ONLY contain green tea and NO OTHER nasty chemicals.

SAMSUNG CSCWhat Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

I brew a cup of this green tea normally. Place a tea bag in the cup first and then pour boiling water over it.

DO NOT add honey in boiling water because this can have negative effects. The high temperature of water can distort the function of honey. So let the tea sit for 1 min in the cup and then add in honey. Honestly, add as much honey as you want depending on your tastes. This is the perfect amount of sweetness for me!

And that’s pretty much it. Your green tea is ready!

If you add sugar instead of honey it not only tastes really bad but also it’s bad for health. Adding in sugar will not help you lose belly fat but make the situation worse.

What Happens When You Drink Green Tea EVERYDAY for a YEAR?

Key Points in Conclusion:

  • Look for a brand that only has 100% pure green tea. It doesn’t matter if it’s from Walmart or Whole Foods.
  • Drink 2 cups at least if you’re trying to lose weight.
  • Sweeten the green tea with honey (or any other NATURAL sweetener) instead of sugar.
  • Don’t add honey when the water is boiling hot. Wait for a min and then add in the honey.
  • Be patient with the results.. it may take 1 week or 4 weeks to see results depending on how much weight you want to lose and your current body condition.
  • Be consistent with drinking green tea. The more consistent you’ll be, the faster and effective the result will be.

I talk about this topic in the video linked below.

Take Care
